Sprott School of Business Rankings

1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
Estd 1949

Updated on - May 25th, 2022 | 09:08 AM By Venushree Agarwal

Sprott School of Business has been ranked at the world and national level by Ediversal rankings and Ranking Web of Business Schools for different aspects such as size and visibility. 

Sprott School of Business Ranking Highlights

The highlight ranks of Sprott School of Business are given by Ranking Web of Business Schools and Ediversal for its size, visibility, and exposure. 

  • A rank of 539 in the world by ranking web of business schools
  • A rank of 16 in Canada by Ediversal rankings

Sprott School of Business World Rankings

The world ranking received by Sprott School of Business is given by Ranking Web of Business Schools. 

Given by


Ranking Web of Business Schools


Sprott School of Business National Rankings

Sprott School of Business has been ranked 16 in Canada by Ediuniversal Rankings. 

Sprott School of Business Rankings by Subject

The Sprott MBA program is renowned at national and global levels. 48 rank is given by Eduniversal rankings for the program. 



Sprott MBA