Odisha CHSE Syllabus 2025: Download Latest Odisha 12th Syllabus Here!

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Dec 16, 2024

The Council of Higher Secondary Education, CHSE releases the Odisha CHSE syllabus every year. Candidates can check and download the subject wise syllabus from its official website i.e. chseodisha.nic.in. We have also added here the latest Odisha CHSE syllabus PDF that students can download for free. The syllabus for Odisha 12th consists of topics and chapters included in the syllabus for each subject. The board releases separate syllabus for Science, Commerce, and Arts subjects. It is essential for students to go through the detailed syllabus before starting their board exam preparation. As per Odisha CHSE syllabus 2025, students will have to appear for 5 compulsory subjects and 2 optional subjects.

CHSE Odisha exam 2025 will be conducted from February 18 to March 26, 2025. Read here for more details on the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2025!

Odisha CHSE Syllabus 2024-25: Download Stream-Wise PDFs 

The board has given the Odisha CHSE syllabus on the official website for all subjects under the all stream. Below is the syllabus for all subjects under each stream which students can download and review accordingly:

Subjects PDF Link
Arts Download PDF
Commerce Download PDF
Science Download PDF

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus Subjects

CHSE Odisha conducts examinations for the streams of Arts, Science, Commerce, and Vocational Education. Below mentioned are the Odisha 12th board subjects. As per Odisha CHSE Exam Pattern 2025, there are compulsory and elective subjects for the science and arts streams as listed below.

Type of Subject Subjects Included
Compulsory Subject
  • English
  • M.I.L. (Oriya / Telugu/ Bengali/ Urdu & Persian/ Hindi/ Sanskrit/Alternative English)
  • Environmental Education
  • Yoga
  • Basic Computer Education
Elective Subject (Science)
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics/Biology/Geology
  • Electronics/Statistics/Geography/Computer Science/ Information Technology/Biotechnology/ Economics/Sanskrit.
Elective subject (Arts)
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Economics/IRPM
  • Mathematics/Home Science
  • Logi /geography
  • Education/Psychology/Indian Music
  • Odia/ Sanskrit/ Persian /Hindi /Urdu/ Bengali/ Telugu
  • Anthropology/Sociology/Statistics
  • Information Technology
Elective subject (Commerce)
  • Accountancy
  • Business Studies & Management 
  • Business Mathematics & Statistics
  • Cost Accounting
  • Fundamentals of Management Accounting
  • Business Economics
  • Information Technology

Odisha CHSE Syllabus 2024 Compulsory Subjects

The compulsory subjects under the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25 consist of subjects such as English, M.I.L, Environmental Education, Yoga, Computer Education, etc. The Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for compulsory subjects is given below. 

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for English

The Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for English subjects includes various sections such as prose, poetry, grammar, writing skills, etc. Mentioned below is the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for English subjects. 

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - English
Sections Chapters
Prose On Examinations
The Portrait of a Lady
My Greatest Olympic Prize
Poetry The Ballad of Father Gilligan
A Psalm of Life
 Grammar The Passive
Direct and Reported Speech
Phrasal Verbs
Non-detailed study Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish
The Doctor’s Word
Mystery of the Missing Cap
Writing Skills Reporting Events and Business Matters
Graph, Charts, Tables, and diagram
Extended Writing

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Environmental Education

The environmental education subjects under the Odisha CHSE new syllabus 2024-25 consist of various chapters based on Environmental pollution, components, management, laws, and so on. The table below provides the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for environmental education. 

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Environmental Education
Unit /Chapter Topics
Natural Resources Land, water, and forests as primary natural resources
Natural resources of Orissa
Conventional and non-conventional energy
Freshwater and Marine Resources
Renewable and non-renewable resources
Concept of Biodiversity and its conservation
Environment: Components Human beings as rational social partners in environmental action
Environmental Problems of urban and rural areas
Impact of human activities on the environment
Stress on civic amenities: supply of water, electricity, transport and health services
Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere
Environmental Pollution Types of pollution and pollutants
Causes, effects, and control of air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution
Greenhouse effect, Global Warming
Eutrophication, Ozone layer depletion.
Environmental Laws Constitutional Provisions.
Major provisions of Environmental Laws and Pollution Control
Laws with particular reference to the Water Act, 1974, the Air Act, 1981, the E(P) Act
1986, CPCB and SPCB
Road Safety Concept & Need
What to do and what not to do while on the road
Traffic Awareness, etc
What to do and what not to do while on the road
Traffic Management: RTO, MVI, Police / Traffic Police
Safety guidelines, offense, and penalties.

Also Check: Odisha CHSE Exam Pattern 2024-25

Odisha CHSE Syllabus 2024 Science Class 12

The science stream under Odisha CHSE 2024-25 includes compulsory subjects such as chemistry, physics, biology, and mathematics along with other electives. Below is the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25 for subjects under the science stream. The Odisha CHSE syllabus science 2024-25 PDF download is available on the official website which students can refer to while preparing for the exam.

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Chemistry (Theory)

A total of 15 chapters are included in the Chemistry Theory syllabus, worth a total of 70 marks in the CHSE Odisha exam 2025. The chapter-wise topics and marks distribution are as follows.

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Chemistry 
Chapters Topics Marks
Solid State Classification of solids based on different binding forces 23
Amorphous and crystalline solids.
Unit cell in two-dimensional and three-dimensional lattices, calculation of density of unit cell,
Packing in solids, packing efficiency, voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell.
Point defects, electrical and magnetic properties.
Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors, insulators, and n & p-type semiconductors.
Solutions Types of solutions, expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, the solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions, colligative properties.
Relative lowering of vapor pressure, Raoult’s law, the elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, abnormal molecular mass, van Hoff factor
Electrochemistry Redox reactions, electrolytes, and non-electrolyte conductors, conductance in electrolytic solutions,
Specific and molar conductivity, variation of conductivity with concentration,
Kohlrausch’s Law, electrolysis and laws of electrolysis.
Dry cell electrolytic cells and Galvanic cells, lead accumulator,
EMF of a cell, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells,
Relation between Gibbs energy change and emf of a cell, fuel cells, corrosion.
Chemical Kinetics Rate of a reaction, factors affecting the rate of reaction, 19
Order and molecularity of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant, integrated rate equations and half-life,
Concept of collision theory. Activation energy, Arrhenius equation.
Surface Chemistry Adsorption - physisorption and chemisorption, factors affecting the adsorption of gases on solids, and catalysts.
homogenous and heterogenous activity and selectivity.
True solutions, colloids, and suspensions.
properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulation.
Emulsion- types of emulsions.
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements Principles and methods of extraction.
concentration, oxidation, reduction.
electrolytic method and refining.
occurrence and principles of extraction of aluminum, copper, zinc, and iron.
p - Block Elements Group15, Group 17 and Group 18 Elements-
General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, properties, classification, preparation of different compounds, and their use.
d and f Block Elements General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals,
General trends in properties of the first-row transition metals - metallic character, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, colour, catalytic property, magnetic properties, interstitial compounds, alloy formation, preparation and properties of K2CrO7 and KMnO
Coordination Compounds Coordination compounds - Introduction, ligands, coordination number, colour, magnetic properties, and shapes. 28
IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds.
Bonding, Werner’s theory.
VBT and CFT- structure and stereoisomerism.
Importance of coordination compounds.
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Haloalkanes
Nomenclature, nature of C-X bond, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of substitution reactions, optical rotation.
Uses and environmental effects of dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT, and BHC.
Nature of C - X bond, substitution reactions.
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Alcohols- Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, identification of primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols, mechanism of dehydration, uses with special reference to methanol and ethanol.
Phenols- Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, acidic nature of phenol, electrophilic substitution reactions, uses of phenols.
Either- Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties uses
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of nucleophilic addition, the reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes uses of carboxylic acids.
Organic compounds containing Nitrogen Nomenclature classification, structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties
Uses, identification of primary, secondary, and tertiary amines.
Diazonium salt
Polymers Classification- polymerization, co-polymerization
some important polymers- polythene, nylon, polyester, bakelite, rubber.
Biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers.
Chemistry in Everyday Life Chemical in Medicines- Analgesics, tranquillizers antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifertility, drugs, antibiotics, antacids, antihistamines.
Chemical in Food- Preservatives, artificial sweetening agents, elementary idea of antioxidants
Cleansing agents-Soap and detergents, cleansing action.

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Chemistry (Practical)

The practical exam under Odisha CHSE 2024-25 for chemistry is allotted 30 marks. The following is the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for the practical exam of Chemistry. 

Odisha CHSE 12th Syllabus 2024-25 - Chemistry (Practical)
Chapters Experiments
Crystallization Preparation of Mohr’s Salt [FeSO4, (NH4)2SO4, 6H2O] crystal
Preparation of potash alum [K2SO4, Al2(SO4)3, 24H2O] crystal
Quantitative Analysis Double titration
Bench Acid Titration
Redox Titration
Qualitative Inorganic Analysis Wet tests for basic radicals
Identification of unknown basic radicals
Qualitative Organic Analysis Tests for unsaturation
Tests for carboxylic, phenolic, aldehydes, ketonic and alcoholic groups

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Physics (Theory)

The Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus for Physics consists of ten units which include 15 chapters. Students can obtain the Odisha CHSE syllabus science 2024-25 PDF download for the Physics subject and check chapter-wise chapters, sub-topics, marking scheme, etc.

Refer to the table below to learn about the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for Physics which consists of various topics and chapters. 

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Physics 
Chapters Topics Marks
Electrostatics Electric Charges and Fields 16
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Current Electricity Electric current
Flow of electric charges in a metallic conductor
Electrical resistivity and conductivity
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Moving Charges and Magnetism 17
Magnetism and Matter
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Electromagnetic induction: Faraday's laws;  Lenz's Law
Alternating currents, peak, and RMS value/voltage
Electromagnetic waves C Characteristics, transverse nature of EM waves 18
Electromagnetic spectrum
Optics Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Wave Optics 
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Photoelectric effect 12
Hertz and Lenard's observations
Einstein's photoelectric equation
wave nature of particles
Atoms and Nuclei Rutherford's model of an atom
Bohr model of a hydrogen atom
Composition and size of the nucleus
Nuclear force, Mass-energy relation, mass defect
Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion
Electronic Devices Semiconductor Electronics 7
Materials, Devices, and Simple Circuits 
Energy bands in conductors, semiconductors, and insulators
Semiconductor diode

Also Read: Odisha CHSE Question Papers

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Physics (Practical)

The practical exam under the physics of Odisha CHSE 2024-25 consists of experiments, conceptual questions, and viva. The Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for the theory exam of Physics is given below:

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Physics (Practical)
Chapters Topics
Experiments To find the resistance of a given wire / standard resistor by meter bridge method
To find the focal length of a convex mirror, by using a convex lens
To find the focal length of a concave lens, using a convex lens
To verify the laws of combination (series/ parallel) of resistances using a meter bridge
Practical record
Experiment-based conceptual question
Viva on experiments

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Biology  (Theory)

There are four units and a total of eighteen chapters under the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for Biology subject. Students can access the Odisha CHSE syllabus science 2024-25 PDF download option from the official portal which will help them gain in-depth insight into the whole curriculum. 

Mentioned below is the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25 for biology which includes various chapters and topics. 

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Biology 
Chapters Topics Marks
Reproduction Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants (Botany)  5
Human Reproduction (Zoology) 11
Reproductive Health (Zoology) 
Genetics and Evolution Principles of Inheritance and Variation (Botany) 11
Molecular Basis of Inheritance (Botany)
Heredity and variation
Sex determination - in humans, birds, and honey bees (Zoology) 9
Evolution (Zoology) 
Biology and Human Welfare Microbes in Human Welfare (Botany) 6
Human Health and Diseases (Zoology) 6
Biotechnology and its Applications Biotechnology - Principles and Processes (Zoology) 6
Biotechnology and its Applications (Botany) 6
Ecology and Environment Organisms and Populations (Botany) 7
Ecosystem (Botany)
Biodiversity and its Conservation (Zoology) 3

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Biology (Practical)

The practical assessment for Biology under the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus mainly includes major & minor experiments along with Spotting. The following is the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus for the practicals of Biology. 

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Biology (Practical)
Chapters Topics
Botany Major Experiments:
Study of plant pigments by paper chromatography
Study of transpiration by Ganong’s or Farmer’s Potometer
Study of plant population density by quadrate method
Study of plant population frequency by quadrate method
Minor Experiments:
Study of pollen germination on a slide
Study of osmosis by potato osmometer
Study of plasmolysis
Zoology Experiments / Observations:
To test the presence of sugar in urine/ given sample solution
To test the presence of urea in urine/ given sample solution
To test the action of salivary amylase on starch
Study the effect of pH and temperature
Spotting / Identification :
TS/ VS through spinal cord, ovary, testis, kidney, stomach
Axial and appendicular skeleton of rabbit (excluding skull)
Identification of common disease-causing organisms

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Mathematics

Mentioned below is the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for mathematics which students must refer to.  The table includes various chapters and topics in the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for Mathematics. 

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Mathematics
Chapters Topics Marks
Relations and Functions  Types of relations 8
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Algebra Matrices  10
Calculus Continuity and Differentiability  35
Applications of Derivatives
Applications of the Integrals
Differential Equations
Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry Vectors and scalars 14
Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line joining two points
The angle between two lines
Linear Programming constraints, objective function, optimization 5
graphical method of solution for problems in two variables
feasible and infeasible solutions
Probability Conditional probability 8
independent events
Bayes’ theorem
Periodic Tests ( Best 2 out of 3 tests conducted) 10
Mathematics Activities (Including Viva) 10

Odisha CHSE Syllabus 2024 Commerce Class 12

The commerce stream of the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 is mainly based on compulsory subjects such as Accountancy, business studies, business mathematics & statistics, etc. Candidates can also choose other electives. The Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for commerce stream are given below:

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Accountancy

The accountancy subject under the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25 comprises four units including project work. The following is the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for Accountancy.

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Accountancy
Chapters Topics
Financial Statements of Sole Trader Sole Trade form of Organization
Not for Profit organizations
Accounting for Depreciation Depreciation
Accounting from Incomplete Records (Single Entry System)
Accounting for Partnership Firm Goodwill
Reconstitution of partnership firm
Accounting for Companies Accounting for Share Capital
Accounting for Debenture
Project Work with Viva Collection of source documents, preparation of vouchers
Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement with the given cash book

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Business Studies

There are four units under the Odisha CHSE 12th syllabus 2024-25 for business studies which also includes project work. The table below provides the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for Business Studies.

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Business Studies
Chapters Topics
Nature, Significance & Functions of Management Meaning, Features, Objectives & Importance
Management as a Science, Art & profession
Levels of Management
Principles of Management Concept and Significance of Management
Fayol’s Principles of Management
Business Environment
Financial Markets and Marketing Management Financial Markets - Concept, Functions and Types
Marketing Management, Marketing Concepts, and Objectives
Consumer Protection Consumer Protection Act 1986
Rights and Responsibilities of Customers
Grievance redressal mechanism and remedies available
Project work and Viva Changes made over the last few years on the mode of packaging and its impact on the economy
Effect of change in environment on the types of goods and service
Project Report on various types of products & services

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Business Mathematics & Statistics

The Business Mathematics & Statistics subjects include four units under the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus. Mentioned below is the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for Business Mathematics & Statistics.

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Business Mathematics & Statistics
Chapters Topics
Business Mathematics Determinants
Set Theory
Calculus Limit & Continuity
Integration up to substitution
The measure of Central Tendency Meaning, Objectives, Types of Averages
Mathematical Averages
Positional Averages
Measure of Dispersion Meaning, Objectives, and Characteristics of Dispersion
Measures of Dispersion, (Absolute and Relative)
Positional Dispersion
Mathematical Dispersion
Project work and viva Case study on Application of Matrix for solving real-life business problems
Report on concept and Rules regarding Matrix
Calculating Standard Deviation and its co-efficient

Odisha CHSE Syllabus 2024 Arts Class 12

Candidates can choose various electives for the arts stream under the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25 apart from compulsory subjects such as English and M.I.L. The following is a brief insight into the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for major subjects under the Arts stream.

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Arts
Chapters Topics
Political Science Democracy in India
The democratic process in India - I
The democratic process in India - II
India in World Politics
Issues in International Politics
Sociology Introducing Indian Society
Indian Social Structure
The Challenges of Cultural Diversity
Social Inequality, Exclusion, and Movement
Change and Development in India
Economics Micro Economics:
Consumption and Demand
Cost, Revenue, and Supply
Macro Economics:
National Income
Money, Banking and Public Finance

Odisha CHSE 12th Syllabus 2024-25 for Vocational Studies

Candidates can opt for vocational studies under Odisha CHSE 2024-25 which includes various streams such as Arts, commerce, and science. The compulsory subjects are the same across all the streams. The Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25 for vocational studies of all streams is given below in the following sections. 

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Vocational Studies For Science

The Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for vocation studies of the science stream consists of compulsory subjects, and basic foundation courses along with trade subjects which are divided into agriculture and engineering areas. 

Elucidated below is the Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for vocational studies under Science. 

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Vocational Studies (Science)
Units Subjects
Common Compulsory Subjects English
MIL (Alternative English / Bengali / Hindi / Odia / Sanskrit / Telugu / Urdu)
Environmental Education, Basic Computer Education, Yoga
Basic Foundation Course (BFC) Biology
Trade Subjects Agriculture Area
Crop production
Inland Fisheries
Poultry Farming
Repair and Maintenance of Power Driven Farm Machinery (PDF)
Paramedical Health Care (PHC) and Medical Laboratory Techniques (MLT)
Microbiology and Serology
Engineering Area
Audio Video Technique (AVT)
Building Maintenance (BM)
Computer Technique
Repair and maintenance of Electrical Domestic Appliances (EDA)

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Vocational Studies For Commerce

The Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for vocation studies of the commerce stream consists of compulsory subjects, and basic foundation courses along with trade subjects which are divided into business and commerce areas. 

The Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25 for vocational studies under commerce is given below. 

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Vocational Studies (Commerce)
Units Subjects
Common Compulsory Subjects English
MIL (Alternative English / Bengali / Hindi / Odia / Sanskrit / Telugu / Urdu)
Environmental Education, Basic Computer Education, Yoga
Basic Foundation Course (BFC)  Accountancy
Business Studies
Business and Commerce Area Accounting and Auditing
Office Management
Tax Assistance

Odisha CHSE Syllabus for Vocational Studies

The Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus for vocation studies of the arts stream consists of subjects such as Humanities, Home Science, Visual Arts & Performing Art Scheme of Studies

Mentioned below is the Odisha CHSE new syllabus 2024-25 for vocational studies under Arts. 

Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus - Vocational Studies (Arts)
Units Subjects
Common Compulsory Subjects English
MIL (Alternative English / Bengali / Hindi / Odia / Sanskrit / Telugu / Urdu)
Environmental Education, Basic Computer Education, Yoga
Basic Foundation Course (BFC) Economics
Political Science
Business and Commerce Area Humanities
Textile Designing
Tourism and Travel Management
Tax Assistance
Home Science
Creche and Pre-School Management
Catering and Restaurant Management
Visual Art
Graphic Art
Applied Art
Modeling and Sculpture
Traditional Art and Craft
Performing Arts
Chow Dance
Flute / Violin / Sitar (FLUIS)
Hindustani Vocal
Odissi Vocal
Odissi Dance
Odissi Pakhwaj (Mardal)

Odisha CHSE Marks Distribution For Vocational Course

The marks for basic foundation courses and trade subjects are allotted between theoretical and practical marks. The following is the basic overview of the pattern, course, and marks distribution of the vocational course which is the same throughout all the streams under the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25. 

Subjects  Marks
Compulsory 1st Year 2nd Year
English 50 Marks 50 Marks
MIL 50 Marks 50 Marks
BFC – 300 Marks (any three subjects from the list) BFC-I Theory 70 Theory 70
Practical 30 Practical 30
BFC-II Theory 70 Theory 70
Practical 30 Practical 30
BFC- III Theory 70 Theory 70
Practical 30 Practical 30
Trade Subject – 200 Marks (Any One subject from the list) Trade Paper I Theory 70 Theory 70
Practical 30 Practical 30
Trade Paper II Theory 70 Theory 70
Practical 30 Practical 30
Trade Paper III Theory 70 Theory 70
Practical 30 Practical 30
Trade Paper IV Theory 70 Theory 70
Practical 30 Practical 30

Steps to Download Odisha CHSE 2024-25 Syllabus

The Odisha CHSE 2024-25 syllabus PDFs are accessible across all devices and need not be printed. Candidates can download the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25 from the official website. Students can follow the step-by-step procedure to download the syllabus PDF as given below:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the Odisha board - chseodisha.nic.in.
  • Step 2: In the primary menu of the home page, click on the "Syllabus" option.
  • Step 3: Odisha 12th syllabus 2024-25 PDF links for individual streams and subjects will appear in the new window.
  • Step 4: Candidates can click on the PDF link to download the Odisha 12th syllabus 2024-25.


Preparation Tips for the Odisha CHSE Syllabus 2025

The Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25 is an important material for students to prepare for board exams. Below are some tips & tricks for the Odisha CHSE board exam:

  • Make a separate list of important formulas and revise them every day. This will help you fetch good marks in your examination.
  • Focus on understanding the fundamental concepts and then remembering the details.
  • Make a study schedule and stick to it as much as possible. This will help you cover all the subjects within the time frame and maintain a balance between them.
  • Study subject-wise so that you can cover all the subjects before the examination.
  • Complete all topics and focus primarily on the prescribed books.
  • Revise your study at least twice a week. This will help you remember all the essential topics.
  • Study previous years' sample papers to identify the trends and your weak areas. You can also improve time management with this method.

FAQs on Odisha CHSE Syllabus

Q: From where can the students download the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25?

Q: What major streams are included in the Odisha CHSE syllabus?

Q: What are the qualifying marks for the CHSE exam?

Q: What are some of the tips to complete the Odisha 2024-25 CHSE syllabus?

Q: How long does it take to complete the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2024-25?

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