JKBOSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Released: Download Latest and Revised JKBOSE Class 10th Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise

Megha Sharma

Updated on - May 20, 2024

The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) releases the JKBOSE 10th syllabus online. Students preparing for JKBOSE 10th exams can access the syllabus online at jkbose.nic.in. The syllabus covers all the essential topics for the board exam. Getting familiar with the syllabus will help students prepare efficiently for the exams. 

Students can download the JKBOSE class 10th syllabus in PDF format. The syllabus is available for core subjects such as Maths, Science, English, and Social Science. The questions set for the board exams are often extracted from the syllabus. Therefore, it is recommended to be thorough with the JKBOSE 10th syllabus 2023-24.

JKBOSE 10th Datesheet JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern
Table of Contents

JKBOSE 10th Syllabus: Download PDF

The curriculum for the JKBOSE class 10th exams is issued for all the subjects on the official website. The students must secure at least 33% to pass the JKBOSE 10th exams. Therefore, they must refer to the syllabus while preparing.

The board hasn't provided the syllabus for the academic year 2024-25. The direct link to download the JKBOSE 10th syllabus 2023-24 in the following table.

JKBOSE Class 10 Syllabus
Particular PDF Link
JKBOSE 10th syllabus Download Now

How to Download JKBOSE 10th Syllabus?

Students can download the JKBOSE 10th syllabus directly from the board's official website. The steps to download the syllabus is mentioned below.

Steps to download

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of JKBOSE - jkbose.nic.in 
  • Step 2: Click on the “Syllabus” under the "Students" tab.
  • Step 3: Candidates are then required to click on the "syllabus of 10th class jkbose 2024 pdf" link under the "syllabus" section.

JKBOSE 10th Syllabus

  • Step 4: Click on the "Syllabus of Class X (10th) Session" option on the new page.
  • Step 5: A new window pops up with the JKBOSE 10th syllabus, download and save the syllabus PDF for future reference.

JKBOSE 10th Syllabus: Subject-Wise

Students preparing for the JKBOSE 10th board exams must refer to the syllabus set by the board as this helps them to prioritize the vital topics. A student must know the exam pattern to study and prepare well accordingly for the board exam 2024.

The subject-wise JKBOSE 10th syllabus for the board exam 2024 is provided below.

JKBOSE 10th Syllabus for English

The JKBOSE 10th English syllabus comprises prose, poems, grammar, and much more. The students will be tested on their proficiency in reading and writing. The marks allocation, along with the section for English, is given below.

Sections Marks
Prose 19
Poetry 21
Short Stories 10
Play 05
Writing Skills 20
Grammar 25

JKBOSE 10th Syllabus for Maths

The JKBOSE 10th syllabus for Maths contains various sections with maximum marks allocated to the Trigonometry section with 15 marks. Students must focus on the chapters and prioritize them as per the difficulty level. The vital topics and marks distribution for the Maths syllabus are given below.

Sections Marks
Number system 5 marks
Arithmetic Progression 5 marks
Pair of linear equations in two variables 8 marks
Polynomials 5 marks
Quadratic equations 12 marks
Triangles 12 marks
Circles 9 marks
Constructions 8 marks
Coordinate geometry 8 marks
Trigonometry 15 marks
Mensuration 8 marks
Probability 5 marks

JKBOSE 10th Syllabus for Social Science

The JKBOSE 10th syllabus for social science comprises History, Political Science, geography, Economics and many more. Candidates must be thorough with the syllabus to ensure good grades. The syllabus, along with marks distribution, is given below.

JKBOSE 10th Syllabus History 

Students can refer to the table for vital topics and marks allocation for JKBOSE 10th syllabus for History.

  • Events and Processes
  • Livelihoods
  • Economies and Societies
  • Everyday Life
  • Culture and Politics
  • Modernization of Erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir State

JKBOSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus 2023-24 (Contemporary India-II)

Candidates can refer to the topics below while preparing for the JKBOSE 10th syllabus for Geography. They can refer to the marks allocation for various units and prepare strategically.

  • Resources and Development
  • Forest and Wildlife
  • Water Resources
  • Agriculture
  • Minerals and Energy Resources
  • Manufacturing Industries
  • Life Lines of National Economy
JKBOSE Class 10 Political Science Syllabus 2023-24 (Democratic Politics-II)

The JKBOSE 10th Political Science syllabus contains 100 marks, out of which 80 are allocated to theory board paper and the rest for internal assessments. The essential topics, along with the marking pattern, are given below.

  • Power sharing
  • Federalism
  • Gender, Religion and Caste
  • Political parties
  • Outcomes of Democracy
  • Addendum
  • Cooperative Movement
JKBOSE 10th Syllabus for Economics

To achieve good grades, the student must prepare well for the JKBOSE 10th Economics syllabus. The topics and marks calculation below can be considered while preparing for the JKBOSE 10th exams.

  • Understanding J & K Economy
  • Employment generation
  • Financial literacy
  • Protecting Ourselves from Disasters
  • Road safety education

JKBOSE 10th Syllabus for Science

The JKBOSE 10th exam is conducted offline for three hours. The subjects incorporated in Science consist of Physics, Biology and Chemistry. The exams are conducted for 70 marks; the rest are allocated to practicals. The subject-wise topics are given below.

JKBOSE Class 10 Physics Syllabus 2023-24

Students can refer to the units mentioned below for JKBOSE 10th syllabus for Physics.

  • Physics 10th Exams
  • Light- Reflection and Refraction
  • The Human Eye and the Colorful World
  • Electricity
  • Magnetic Effects of Current

JKBOSE Class 10 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24

The essential topics for JKBOSE 10th Chemistry exams are given below.

  • Chemical Reactions and Equation
  • Carbon and its Compounds
  • Metals and Non-metals
  • Acids, Bases and Salts

JKBOSE Class 10 Biology Syllabus 2023-24

Students can refer to the units provided below for Biology.

  • Life Processes
  • Control and Co-ordination
  • How do Organism Reproduce
  • Heredity
  • Our Environment

Note: There shall be one practical paper of 16 marks and a 3-hour duration containing three sections, one each for assessing practical skills in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

JKBOSE 10th Exam 2024 Important Tips

The students should follow the JKBOSE 10th syllabus and inculcate proper study measures to score well. The following tips will help candidates prepare for the exams effectively.

  1. Candidates must prepare according to the JKBOSE 10th syllabus.
  2. Prepare short notes in your easy language and start learning according to the JKBOSE 10th syllabus 2023-24.
  3. Study with the help of diagrams as it helps to remember things easily.
  4. Study from the textbooks given on the official website.
  5. Make a study plan and give proper timings for every subject.

FAQs on JKBOSE 10th Syllabus

Q: From where can I download the JKBOSE 10th syllabus?

Q: Has the JKBOSE 10th syllabus been reduced for the current academic session?

Q: Are question papers based entirely on the JKBOSE 10th syllabus?

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