JAC Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Download PDF for all subjects

Sushmita Sundas

Updated on - Dec 19, 2024

JAC board has released the JAC 10th board syllabus 2024-25 on the official website. Students who are going to appear for the JAC 10th exam 2025 can visit jac.jharkhand.gov.in and download the syllabus. We have also added here subject wise syllabus for JAC 10th board that students can download for free. It is essential for students to download and keep the syllabus PDFs with them while preparing so that they don't miss out on any topics. The syllabus for Jharkhand class 10 has been released for subjects including English, Hindi, Science, Math, Geography, Civics, Economics, etc. Moreover, the syllabus includes a list of compulsory subjects and a few elective subjects. 

Check on this latest JAC 10th board syllabus 2024-25 PDF for all subjects along with other details.

JAC Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download

The detailed subject-wise JAC class 10 syllabus 2024-25 is provided below for the student's reference. Students have to download the syllabus in PDF format to prepare effectively for the board exams. 

Subject PDF Link
English Download
Hindi Download
Hindi (B) Download
Sanskrit Download
Science Download
Mathematics Download
Geography Download
History Download
Economics Download
Civics Download

JAC 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for All Subjects

Class 10 syllabus 2024-25 JAC is available for all subjects such as Science, Mathematics, Social Science, History, Geography, English, and many others. The JAC class 10 syllabus 2024-25 for all subjects is mentioned below. Students can refer to the details in the following section to learn more about the subjects and units under the JAC class 10 2024-25 syllabus along with marking allocation. 

JAC Class 10th Syllabus for Physics 2024-25

Some of the important topics and chapters that are mentioned in the JAC 10th Physics syllabus are mentioned below for the student's reference. 

JAC Class 10 Syllabus for Physics
Unit Number Unit Name
1 Electricity
2 Human Eye and Colourful World
3 Light - Reflection and Refraction
4 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
5 Sources of Energy

JAC 10th Syllabus for Chemistry 2024-25

The JAC class 10 syllabus 2024-25 are mentioned below for the Chemistry subject. Students have to cover all the topics to score good marks in the board exam. 

JAC Class 10 Syllabus for Chemistry
Unit Number Unit Name
1 Acids, Bases, and Salts
2 Carbon and its Compounds
3 Chemical Reactions and Equations
4 Metals and Non-metals
5 Periodic Classification of Elements

JAC 10th Biology Syllabus 2024-25

The JAC 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Biology includes Control and Coordination, Heredity and Evolution and more. The detailed syllabus is provided below. 

JAC Class 10 Syllabus for Biology
Unit Number Unit Name
1 Control and Coordination
2 Heredity and Evolution
3 How do Organisms Reproduce?
4 Life Processes
5 Management of Natural Resources
6 Our Environment

JAC Class 10 Syllabus for Mathematics 2024-25

The JAC class 10 2024-25 syllabus for mathematics consists of five sections which include algebra, arithmetic, geometry, mensuration, and statistics. The following is the JAC board class 10 syllabus 2024-25 for Mathematics. 

JAC Class 10 Syllabus for Mathematics 
Chapter Topics Marks
Coordinate Geometry Distance Formula 3
Area of Triangle 3
Geometry Triangles 9
Constructions 3
Circles 3
Number System Real Numbers 6
Trigonometry Introduction of Trigonometry 3
Heights & Distances 6
Trigonometric Identities 3
Algebra Pair of Linear Equations 6
Polynomials 3
Arithmetic Progression 4
Quadratic Equations 7
Statistics & Probability Probability 4
Statistics 7
Mensuration Surface Areas & Volumes 6
Area Related to Circle 4

Also Read: JAC 10th Exam Pattern 2025

JAC Class 10 Syllabus for English 2024-25 

The class 10 syllabus 2024-25 JAC for English comprises three sections that include topics from Grammar, Reading, and Literature. The table below provides the class 10 JAC syllabus 2024-25 for English. 

JAC Class 10 Syllabus for English 
Chapters Topics
Grammar Tenses, Reported speech in extended texts, Complex and compound sentences, Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases, Punctuation, role-playing, Problem-solving and decision making.
Reading Comprehension, Unseen Passage, Letter Writing (Formal / Informal), Paragraph Writing
Literature Prose, Poem, Supplementary Reader (Footprints without Feet)

JAC 10th Social Science Syllabus 2024-25

The JAC 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science includes History, Political Science, Geography, and Economics. The detailed syllabus is provided below. 

JAC Class 10 Syllabus for Social Science
History Political Science Geography Economics
1. India's Nationalism 1. Democracy Challenges 1. Agriculture 1. Consumer Rights
2. Novels, Society, and History 2. Diversity and Democracy 2. Forest and Wildlife Resources 2. Development
3. Print Culture and the Modern World 3. Federalism 3. Life Lines of National Economy 3. Globalization and the Indian Economy
4. The Age of Industrialization 4. Gender, Religion, and Caste 4. Manufacturing Industries 4. Money and Credit
5. Crafting a Global World 5. Democracy Outcomes 5. Minerals and Energy Resources 5. Sectors of the Indian Economy
6. Indo-China's Nationalist Movement 6. Political Parties 6. Resources and Development --
7. Europe's Nationalism Rise 7. Popular Movements 7. Water Resources --
8. Work, Leisure, and Life 8. Power Sharing -- --

Steps to Download JAC 10th Syllabus 2024-25

Students can access the JAC class 10 syllabus 2024-25 from the official website. All the important guidelines and instructions mentioned on the syllabus must be thoroughly followed. Refer to the points below for more details. 

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the JAC board -  jac.jharkhand.gov.in.
  • Step 2: Students must click on the "Syllabus" option under the "Others" section at the top of the homepage.
  • Step 3: Students have to click on the "Click here to view syllabus" option displayed on the new page.

JAC 10th Syllabus

  • Step 4: A new window pops up with the syllabus for different classes. Students have to click on the "Syllabus for Secondary and Higher Secondary Classes" link.

JAC Syllabus

  • Step 5: Syllabus PDF will open in a new window. Students must download and save the PDF for further use.

Refer to the image mentioned below to check the steps to download the class 10 JJAC syllabus 2024-25. 


Also Read: JAC 10th Model Paper 2025

How to Use JAC Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Preparation

The JAC class 10 syllabus 2024-25 is curated by subject experts to help students score good marks in the board exams. Some of the critical points students have to follow are given below. 

  • Students will find all the essential topics and chapters along with their weight system. This will help the students to strategize their preparations accordingly. 
  • Students have to cover all the essential topics and chapters that are highlighted in the syllabus. 
  • Students have to use the reference books to prepare effectively for the board exams. 
  • After the syllabus are completed students have to revise them accordingly. 
  • Students are advised to use the JAC class 10th previous year question papers. 

FAQs on JAC 10th Syllabus

Q: Can students prepare for competitive exams by referring to the JAC Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25?

Q: How long does it take to cover JAC board class 10 syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Which books are best to cover the JAC Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25?

Q: What are the steps to download the JAC syllabus 2024-25 class 10?

Q: When will the board release the updated JAC syllabus 2024-25 class 10?

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