JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25: Check Subject Wise Grading Structure

Megha Sharma

Updated on - May 23, 2024

The JKBOSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 consists of core subjects such as English, Maths, Science, and Social Science, along with two optional language subjects. The JKBOSE 10th exams will be conducted for 100 marks, out of which 80 marks are allocated to theory and 20 marks for practicals, whereas for the science exam, 84 marks are assigned to the main exam and 16 for internals.

Students must also be mindful that the marks of 5 main subjects are taken into consideration while computing the final marks. Therefore, students must do a thorough analysis of the exam pattern to learn the marks allocation followed by the Board.

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25: Subject Wise

The JKBOSE 10th 2024-25 exam pattern is formed for all the core subjects by the Jammu and Kashmir Board. Students can refer to the exam pattern for various subjects and strategically plan for the board exams. The subject-wise exam pattern for the main subjects is mentioned below.

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern: English

The JKBOSE 10th English paper is divided into 4 sections and focuses on testing the reading, writing and grammar skills of the candidates. 

The exam is conducted for 80 marks, and the remaining is allocated for internals. The exam pattern of the JKBOSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 for English is given below.

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern for English
Topics Marks
Prose 19
Poetry  21
Play 5
Short Stories 10
Grammar 25
Writing Skills 20

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern: Maths

The JKBOSE 10th Maths theory exam is conducted for 80 marks, and 20 marks are for practicals. The exam paper is divided into Algebra and Geometry, consisting of 40 marks each. The marks allocation for every unit is mentioned in the table below.

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern for Maths
Topics Marks
Number Systems 5
Algebra 29
Trigonometry 14
Coordinate Geometry 8
Geometry 22
Mensuration 11
Statistics and Probability 11

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern: Science

The JKBOSE 10th science paper is bifurcated into Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The exam is conducted for 100 marks. The theoretical paper is worth 84 marks, whereas the practical paper is worth 16 marks. Students can refer to the marks distribution provided below.

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern for Science
Sections Units Marks
  1. Light- Reflection and Refraction of light  
  2. The Human Eye 
  3. Electricity
  4. Magnetic Effects of Current
  5. Sources of Energy
  1. Chemical Equations and Reactions 
  2. Periodic Classification of Elements
  3. Carbon and its Compounds
  4. Metals and Non-Metals
  5. Acid, Salt, and Bases
  1. Life Processes 
  2. Control and Coordination
  3. How do Organisms reproduce
  4. Genetics and Heredity
  5. Our Environment
  6. Natural Resources and Management
  1. Using and organizing apparatus, techniques and materials
  2. Handling data and experimental observation
  3. Inferences/interpretation
  4. Viva-Voce
  5. Practical record/ notebook

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern: Social Science

The JKBOSE 10th Social Science exam comprises History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Road Safety and Disaster Management. The final exam is conducted for 90 marks, whereas 10 marks are allocated to internals.

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern for Social Science
Sections Theory Practical
History- India and the Contemporary World II 25 -
Geography- Contemporary India II 25 -
Political Science- Democratic Politics II 25 -
  1. Economics
  2. Road Safety Education, Disaster Management
15 10

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25: Grading Structure

Students must score a minimum of 33% to qualify for the exams. The JKBOSE board officials follow a 9-point grading system where A is the highest grade, and E is the lowest. The grading system for the JKBOSE 10th exams is given below.

Grading System for JKBOSE 10th Exams
Marks Grade Remarks
80-100 A Very Good
60-70 B Good
45-59 C Average
33-44 D Below average
Below 33 E Repeat

Also read: JKBOSE 10th Results

JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25: Important Points

The JKBOSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 guides the students about the essential topics to be covered, marking bifurcation, time required, and grading system. Some essential information that candidates should take into consideration is given below.

  • Students must attempt 6 core subjects, such as English, Maths, Science, Social Science and two optional subjects.
  • The exams are conducted for 100 marks, out of which 80 are assigned to theory and 20 to practicals. Whereas for science papers, 84 is for the main exam paper, and 16 is for internals.
  • Students get to learn about time management skills by learning about the marks assigned to each section through the JKBOSE 10th 2024-25 exam pattern.
  • The JKBOSE 10th exams are conducted offline in pen and paper mode, and students are given 3 hours to complete the exams.
  • The final marks for the exams are calculated on the basis of 5 subjects.
  • Students must analyze the JKBOSE 10th syllabus along with the exam pattern for an effective preparation strategy.

FAQs on JKBOSE 10th Exam Pattern

Q: What is the JKBOSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25?

Q: What are the main subjects included in the JKBOSE 10th exams?

Q: What is the JKBOSE 10th grading system?

Q: How does the JKBOSE 10th 2024-25 exam pattern benefit the students?

Q: What are the passing marks for the JKBOSE 10th exams 2024-25?

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