Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Download PDF for All Subjects

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Oct 17, 2024

The  Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25 can be accessed by the candidates at the official website. Students who are appearing for the Karnataka SSLC exams must follow the syllabus as it contains important topics for all the core chapters along with the marks allocation. The exam is conducted for 100 marks, where 80 is for theory and 20 for practical exams. The board also provides syllabi for differently abled students in subjects such as sociology, political science, and more.

The Karnataka Education Department conducts the Karnataka SSLC exam 2025, which is likely to be held in March-April 2025. Students can download the syllabus in PDF format from the official website, kseab.karnataka.gov.in. Furthermore, students should cover the entire Karnataka SSLC 2024-25 syllabus to ensure adequate preparation for the board exams.

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Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Download PDF

The Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) conducts the Karnataka SSLC exams. The board releases the Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25 on the official website online.

Students preparing for the board exams can refer to the syllabus PDF files below.

Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2024-25
Subjects Download Links
Maths Download PDF
Science Download PDF
English Download PDF
Social science Download PDF
Kannada Download PDF
Hindi Download PDF

How to Download the Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2024-25?

The syllabus for Karnataka SSLC exams is uploaded online in PDF format. Students must visit the official website, kseab.karnataka.gov.in, to download the Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25.

The image pertaining to the steps required for the Karnataka SSLC 2024-25 syllabus is mentioned below.


Mentioned below are the steps to download SSLC syllabus Karnataka from the official website. 

  • Step 1: Visit the official website - sslc.karnataka.gov.in
  • Step 2: Click the “Syllabus” option on the home page.
  • Step 3: Next, click on the link for the class 10th syllabus.
  • Step 4: Subject-wise, "Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25" will appear on the screen.
  • Step 5: Click on the link of the respective subjects to download the syllabus in PDF format.
  • Step 6: Save the SSLC 2024-25 syllabus Karnataka for future reference.

Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Subject-Wise

The Karnataka education board mandates that students take up three compulsory subjects and languages in class 10, such as Math, Science, and Social Science. In contrast, students can opt for one language each from the options provided by the board.

The Karnataka state syllabus for class 10 is vital for students as it provides information on the chapter included, marking scheme, exam pattern, the blueprint of the subject, and more. Students are advised to go through the syllabus before the academic session begins. The subject-wise syllabus is mentioned below.

Karnataka SSLC Syllabus for Mathematics

Maths is one of the important chapters for the Karnataka Board exams. Students must refer to the chapters and marks allocation below for adequate preparation.

Tabulated below is the Karnataka class 10 syllabus 2024-25 for Maths.

Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Mathematics
Chapter No. Chapters Marks Allotted
1. Triangles 8
2. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 8
3. Surface Areas and Volumes 7
4. Statistics 6
5. Quadratic Equations 6
6. Polynomials 6
7. Arithmetic Progressions 6
8. Introduction to Trigonometry 5
9. Constructions 5
10. Coordinate Geometry 5
11. Real Numbers 4
12. Some Applications of Trigonometry 4
13. Probability 3
14. Area Related to Circles 3
Total 80

Karnataka SSLC Syllabus for Science

The vital topics, along with marks allocation, are provided for Science. Students can concentrate more on chapters with maximum marks; however, it is advised to complete the entire syllabus for better grades.

The Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25 for Science is given below. 

Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Science
Chapter No. Chapter Names Marks Allotted
1. Electricity 7
2. Light Reflection and Refraction 7
3. Acids, Bases and Salts 6
4. Metals and Non-Metals 6
5. Life Processes 6
6. Magnetic Effects of Electric Current 6
7. Carbon and its Compounds 6
8. Heredity and Evolution 6
9. Control and Coordination 5
10. How do Organisms Reproduce 5
11. Human Eye and the Colourful World 5
12. Chemical Reaction and Equations 4
13. Periodic Classification of Elements 3
14. Sources of Energy 3
15. Sustainable Management of Natural Resources 3
16. Our Environment 2
Total 80

Karnataka SSLC Syllabus for Social Science

Candidates can refer to the topics and prepare for the board exams accordingly. Students can find the Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25 for social science below.

Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science
Unit No. Unit Names Topics Included
1. India and the Contemporary World – II The Rise of Nationalism in Europe: The growth of nationalism in Europe after the 1830s, The ideas of Giuseppe Mazzini, etc, General characteristics of the movements in Poland, Hungary, Italy, Germany, and Greece.
2. Contemporary India – II Resources and Development: Types – natural and human; Need for resource planning, natural resources, land as a resource, soil types, and distribution; changing land-use pattern; land degradation and conservation measures. 
3. Water Resources Sources, distribution, utilization, multi-purpose projects, water scarcity, need for conservation and management, rainwater harvesting. (One case study to be introduced)
4. Agriculture Types of farming, major crops, cropping pattern, technological and institutional reforms; impact; the contribution of agriculture to national economy-employment and output.
5. Minerals and Energy Resources Types of minerals, distribution (Note: on a map only) use and economic importance of minerals, conservation, types of power resources: conventional and non-conventional, distribution and utilization, and conservation
6. Manufacturing Industries Types, spatial distribution (Note: on the map only), contribution of industries to the national economy, industrial pollution, and degradation of the environment, and measures to control degradation.

Karnataka SSLC Exam 2024-25: Exam Pattern

As per the Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25, students have to appear for six exams in total, which includes three language papers in class 10. The exam is three hours long, with 15 minutes extra to read the question paper.

Therefore, students are advised to review the marking scheme for each subject given below and practice sample papers to finish the exam within the stipulated time.

Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Exam Pattern
Sl. No. Subjects Marks Total Marks
Theory Practical/ Internal
1 Language Paper I -Kannada, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, Urdu 100 - 100
2 Language Paper II -Kannada, English 80 20 100
3 Language Paper III -Hindi, Kannada, English, Arabic, Urdu, Sanskrit, Konkani, Tulu 80 20 100
4 Maths 80 20 100
5 Science 80 20 100
6 Social Science 80 20 100

Karnataka SSLC Preparation Tips 2025

Karnataka SSLC board exams are essential for students. To help students prepare efficiently, mentioned below are a few tips that students can keep in mind while planning their study schedule to ace the upcoming board exams:

  • Practicing the Karnataka SSLC sample paper 2025 can help candidates understand the subjects easily and avoid last-minute stress.
  • The Karnataka SSLC previous year's papers will elevate candidates' confidence; thus, they can score well.
  • Reviewing and revising at least once a week is very advantageous for all candidates to score good marks.
  • Never hesitate to ask questions about anything related to the subject. Candidates can talk to their guides and teachers about what they don't understand.
  • Students must refer to the textbooks prescribed by the board as they contain important and relevant topics.

Karnataka SSLC Subject-wise Deleted Syllabus

The scholars of Karnataka class 10th board exam must be apprehensive of the streamlined syllabus. Some of the portion of the syllabus was deleted because of the epidemic. The syllabus was deleted for the benefit of the students. As all know during the pandemic the classes were not regular and the syllabus was left incomplete. So a portion of the main subjects was deleted and made easy for the scholars to learn the remaining portions and score well in their board examination. 

The education department of Karnataka has deleted 20 to 30 percent of the SSLC 10th Board syllabus of subjects Science, Mathematics, Social, and Languages. They removed portions such as geometry, statistics, physics, chemistry, biology, and the history and geography of India. 

The education system of India was majorly affected during the epidemic period. So the Karnataka Government was also left with the option to reduce the class who were planning to appear for the 10th board examination 2023-2024 batch. To build a solid foundation for the students, the core knowledge and important topics were only included in the syllabus.

Here are the subjects and their top 5 chapters’ deleted syllabus by the Karnataka SSLC Board. 

Karnataka SSLC Maths Deleted Syllabus

In Mathematics, most complex and theoretical topics were removed like Quadratic Equations word problems, Euclid’s Division Lemma, etc. They have removed 30 to 40 percent of the syllabus to make learning easier for the students and give more attention to basic mathematics. 

Name of Chapter

Deleted Syllabus

Real Numbers

Proof of Irrational Numbers & Euclid Division Lemma


Proofs related to Similarity of Triangles


Division Algorithm for Polynomials

Quadratic Equations

Word Problems


Heights and Distances

Karnataka SSLC Science Deleted Syllabus

Around 20 to 30% of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology were removed in Science like Reflex Action, Redox Reactions, and Plant Reproduction. This curriculum the syllabus concentrated on core concepts while eliminating less often applied knowledge.

Name of Chapter

Deleted Syllabus

Modern Physics

Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, Relativity


Complex Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronics

Organic Chemistry

Stereochemistry, Organic Reactions, Aromatic Compounds


Molecular Genetics, Genetic Engineering, Gene Expression


Recombinant DNA Technology, Gene Therapy

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Deleted Syllabus

In Social Science, nationalism, resource development, and globalization were removed. A modification of 20 to 30% cut assisted students in more concentration on significant aspects of History, Geography, and Civics.

Name of Chapter

Deleted Syllabus

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Revolution of Libers, Frankfurt Parliament

The Making of a Global World

Impact of Globalization on Agriculture

Nationalism in India

Role of Peasats in Non-Cooperation Movement

Water Resources

Water Conservation Projects

Resources and Development

Types of Resources

How to Download Karnataka SSLC Subject-wise Deleted Syllabus

Here is the list of official websites from which you can download the syllabus for the KSEEB SSLC Board Exam 2024-2025. 

  1. karnataka.gov.in Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB)
  2. sslckarnataka.gov.in Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) 
  3. ktbs.kar.nic.in Karnataka Textbook Society

Steps to Download Syllabus from the official website of KSEEB

  1. Visit the website of KSSEB in your browser
  2. Go to Homepage, select the section “Examination”
  3. Check the link “Deleted Syllabus” or “SSLC Revised Syllabus”
  4. Click on the link "syllabus" 
  5. Now select the subject of your choice like Science, Mathematics, or Social Science.
  6. Click the button “Download”
  7. Save it as a PDF File

The syllabus downloaded will give detailed information on the deleted topics of each chapter which makes it easier for you to plan accordingly.

FAQs on Karnataka SSLC Syllabus

Q: How to download the Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25?

Q: What compulsory subjects does Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25 include?

Q: What are the benefits of Karnataka SSLC 2024-25 syllabus?

Q: Who publishes the Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2024-25?

Q: How many language papers are there for Karnataka SSLC exam, as per the Karnataka SSLC 2024-25 syllabus?

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