JAC 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25: Check Subject-wise Marking Scheme

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Jan 6, 2025

The Jharkhand Academic Council will release the JAC 10th exam pattern 2024-25 on its official website. The JAC 10th exam 2024 comprises 100 marks questions; 80 marks are allocated to theory subjects and the remaining 20 to practical subjects.

JAC 10th 2024-25 exam pattern is being considered as a primary blueprint for the upcoming board exam. It will give the students a rough idea about the marking scheme, the prioritizing of questions, and how to manage time for core subjects like English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science.

JAC 10th Syllabus 2024 JAC 10th Sample Papers

JAC 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25: Highlights

The Jharkhand Academic Council conducts the JAC exams for students in class 10th standard. The exam is conducted in Hindi and English for 3 hours. Some important highlights are mentioned below. 

Highlights for JAC 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25
Particulars Details
Name of the exam JAC 10th Examination
Conducting Body Jharkhand Academic Council
Languages Hindi and English
Duration 2.5 - 3 hours
Types of Questions Multiple Choice and Long/Short Answer Questions
Exam mode Offline
Negative Marking No
Pass Percentage 33% 
Total Marks 100 (External - 80 and Internal - 20)
Official website jac.jharkhand.gov.in

Subject Wise JAC Class 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25

The JAC class 10 exams will be conducted for English, Hindi, Maths, Science, and additional subjects. According to the JAC board norms, the duration for English and Mathematics is 3 hours, whereas for Science, it is 2.5 hours. The JAC 10th subject-wise exam pattern 2024 is mentioned below.

Subject Wise Exam Pattern for JAC Class 10th 
Subjects Total Questions Marks Total Marks
English 20  Section A: 20 marks 100
Section B: 20 marks
Section C: 15 marks
Section D: 45 marks
Mathematics 30 Section A: 10 marks 80 
Section B: 10 marks
Section C: 30 marks
Section D: 40 marks
Science 39  Section A: 54 marks 80 
Section B: 26 marks

JAC 10th Exams Marking Scheme 2024-25

The marking scheme for different subjects will help the students understand the JAC 10th exam pattern well and also aid in strategizing how to prioritize the units in the subjects. Provided below are the marks weightage for Mathematics, Science, and Social Science to help the candidates in better preparation.

JAC 10th Marking Scheme for Mathematics 2024-25

The Algebra section of the JAC 10th exam carries the highest marks. Check the table to know the marking scheme of various chapters. 

Mathematics Marking Scheme for JAC Class 10th
Chapters Marks Weightage
Number System 6
Algebra 20
Coordinate Geometry 6
Geometry 15
Trigonometry 12
Mensuration 10
Statistics and Probability 11

JAC 10th Marking Scheme for Science 2024-25

The Chemical Substance and World of Living chapters of the JAC 10th exams contain the highest marks. Students can refer to the table below to understand the marking scheme for Science.

Science Marking Scheme for JAC Class 10th
Chapters Marks Weightage
Natural Phenomena 12
Effect of Current 13
Chemical Substances 25
Natural Resources 7
World of Living 23

JAC 10th Marking Scheme for Social Science 2024-25

The marking schemes for different chapters in social science are tabulated below.

Social Science Marking Scheme for JAC Class 10th
Chapters Marks Weightage
Democratic Politics - II 20
Contemporary India - II 20
Understanding Economic Development 20
India and Contemporary World II 20

Jharkhand JAC Class 10 Exam 2024-25 Internal Assessment

The JAC 10th exam assessment is conducted for 20 marks. It sets the standards for the board examination and tests the student's eligibility, strengths and weaknesses. The total marks for the internal assessment as per the JAC 10th exam pattern 2024 are provided below.

Internal Assessment for JAC Class 10th
Internal Assessment Total Marks
Multiple Assessment 5
Periodic Test  5
Subject Enrichment Activity 5
Portfolio 5
Total  20

JAC Class 10 Exam 2024-25 Grading System

The Jharkhand Board has executed a grading system for each subject, with A1 being the highest and E being the lowest grade. The grading system is implemented based on the marks obtained in the board examination. The JAC Class 10 exam 2024-25 grading system is given below.

Grading System for JAC Class 10th Exams
Grades Marks
A1 91-100
A2 81-90
B1 71-80
B2 61-70
C1 51-60
C2 41-50
D1 31-40
D2 21-30
E 0-20

FAQs on JAC 10th Exam Pattern

Q: What are the passing marks for JAC 10th exams?

Q: What is the JAC 10th exam pattern 2024-25?

Q: Where can I download the JAC 10th 2024-25 exam pattern?

Q: What are the subjects included in JAC 10th exams?

Q: What are the total marks for JAC class 10th examinations?

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