Uttarakhand Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Released: Download Latest and Revised Uttarakhand Class 10th Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise

Megha Sharma

Updated on - May 15, 2024

The UK Board has released the UK Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 for the candidates on the official portal. Students can refer to the Uttarakhand board class 10th syllabus to check out the essential topics and marking schemes while preparing for the UK board 10th exam. The syllabus can be accessed easily at the official website ubse.uk.gov.in. 

The UK Board 10th exams are expected to be conducted in March 2025 (tentative). Moreover, with the help of the UK Board 10th 2024-25 syllabus, students can understand the exam pattern and difficulty levels of the 10th exam. 

UK Board 10th Result 2024 UK Board 10th Supplementary Exam 2024

UK Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25: Download PDFs

The UK board has released the updated syllabus for the academic year 2024-25. Students can download the PDF links for all the subjects at ubse.uk.gov.in. Given below are the PDF links for various subjects under the UK board 10th syllabus 2024-25.

PDF Links for UK Board 10th Syllabus
Subjects PDF Link
English Download Now
Hindi Download Now
Bengali Download Now
Punjabi Download Now
Sanskrit Download Now
Urdu Download Now
Mathematics Download Now
Home Science Download Now
Science Download Now
Social Science Download Now
Additional Subjects Download Now
Vocational Subjects Download Now

How to Download the UK Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25?

Below are the steps for candidates to download the UK Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 from the official website of the board:


  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the UK board - www.ubse.uk.gov.in.
  • Step 2: Click on the "Syllabus" option.
  • Step 3: A new window will pop up with the syllabus link.
  • Step 4: Head to the "HIGH SCHOOL (IX & X) 2024-25" and check the UK board syllabus PDF.
  • Step 5: Students can download the UK Board 10th 2024-25 syllabus PDFs for further reference.

UK Board 10th Subject-Wise Syllabus 2024-25: Subject-Wise

The UK Board issues the syllabus for all the subjects such as English, Maths, Science, and other subjects. Candidates are advised to go through the syllabus for all the subjects to score well in the board exams.

Provided below is the subject-wise UK board 10th syllabus 2024-25 for important subjects.

UK Board 10th Syllabus for English

The UK Board 10th English paper comprises 100 marks containing various sections of reading, writing, grammar, and more. The candidates will be tested on their reading and writing skills.

The UK Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for English is given below.

English UK Board 10th Syllabus
Sections Topics  
Section A Reading

Two unseen passages: 500 words + questions. 

Passage 1: 200 words + three or four comprehension questions.

Passage 2: 300 words + three or four comprehension questions and questions on vocabulary.

Section B Writing

Letter Writing: Letter based on provided verbal stimulus and context.

Type of letter: Informal 

Formal: Letter of complaints, enquiries, requests, applications.

Composition: Writing task based on a verbal or visual stimulus (words-80)

Section C Grammar Clause, gap-filling, sentence-completion, sentence-reordering, dialogue-completion and sentence-transformation (including combining sentences), Use of non-finites, Sentence connectors, past tense, modals.
Section D Textbook Reference to context questions, questions from prose and drama text
Poetry Reference to the context questions and short answer type questions
Supplementary Reader Long short answer type questions

UK Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Maths

The UK Board 10th Maths exam comprises a total of 80 marks, where maximum marks are covered in Algebra. Therefore, students must focus on topics accurately to score well.

The candidates can refer to the table below for the UK Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Maths.

Maths UK Board 10th Syllabus
Units Topics
Number Systems Real Numbers
Algebra Polynomials, Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations and Arithmetic Progressions.
Trigonometry Introduction to Trigonometry and Trigonometric Identities 
Coordinate Geometry Lines (In Two Dimensions)
Geometry Triangles, Circles 
Mensuration Areas Related to Circles and Surface Areas and Volumes
Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability

UK Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Information Technology

Students preparing for the UK board 10th exams must follow the topics included in the UK Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 and focus on the mentioned topics. The unit-wise UK Board syllabus for Information Technology is provided below.

Unit 1: IT basics

  • Internet: World Wide Web, Web Servers, Web sites, Web Pages, Web Browsers, HTML, Web Address, Email address, URL, HTTP
  • Services available on the Internet: Information Retrieval, Electronic Mail, Locating sites using search engines and finding people on the net, Chat, Video Conferencing, FTP, Downloading and Uploading files from or to remote sites, and newsgroups.

Unit 2: IT tools

  • MS Office/ MS Access: Basic Concepts and need for a database, Creating a database, Setting the Primary Key, Entering data into a Database, Inserting and Deleting Fields, Inserting and Deleting Records, Data Validation: Field Size, Default Value Validation Rule, Validation Text, Required, Allow Zero Length.
  • HyperText MARKUP LANGUAGE: Basic Concept of Web Browsers with Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator
  • HTML Fundamentals: Introduction to Web Page Designing using HTML, Creating and saving an HTML document, Elements in HTML Container and Empty elements, Designing web pages using the following elements: HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY (Attributes: BACKGROUND, BGCOLOUR, TEXT, LINK, ALINK, VLINK, LEFT MARGIN, TOPMARGIN), FONT (Attributes: COLOR, SIZE, FACE), Base font (Attributes: COLOR, SIZE, FACE), CENTER, BR (Break), HR (Horizontal Rule, Attributes: SIZE, WIDTH, ALIGN, NO SHADE, COLOR), COMMENTS,! for comments, H1..H6, Heading (Paragraph), B (Bold), I (Italics), U (Underline), UL & OL (Unorder List & OrderedList Attributes: TYPE, START, LI (List Item), Insertion of images using the element IMG (Attributes: SRC, WIDTH, HEIGHT, ALT, ALIGN Internal and External Linking between Web Pages: Significance of linking, A-Anchor Element.

Unit 3: IT applications

  • Database: Personal Data Management System, Employee Payroll and Stock Inventory.
  • Website Designing: Travel and Tourism, Rural India and Environment and Pollution.

UK Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Business and Accounting

The chapters mentioned below for Business and Accounting covers maximum marks in the board exams. Students can refer to the unit-wise UK Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Business and Accounting below:

UK Board 10th Syllabus for Business and Accounting
Unit Topics
Unit 1: Office routine Different departments of the Business establishment, Handling inward and outward mail, Filing and indexing methods and Copying and duplicating methods.
Unit 2: Business correspondence Essential forms of a good business letter, Writing sample business letters of inquiry, Quotation, Order, Reference and Advice, and complaints.
Unit 3: Banks Functions of a Bank, Kinds of account and their operation, Bank drafts, Traveller’s cheques and Post Office Saving Bank.
Unit 4: Negotiable instruments Nature, Kinds of cheques, Endorsement, Crossing and Dishonouring of a cheque.
Unit 5: Bills of exchange Kinds, Parties, Negotiation, Endorsing, Dishonoring and Promissory notes and Hundies.

UK Board 10th Syllabus for Music

The UK Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Music contains four units and students must go through them thoroughly. The UK 10th syllabus for Music is provided below: 

Unit Topics
Unit 1 Basic knowledge of the structure and tuning of Taanpura.
Unit 2 Knowledge of the notation systems laid down by Pt. Vishnu Digambar Paluskar, Pt. V.N. Bhatkhande.
Unit 3 Definition of Vadi, Samvadi, Anuvadi, Vivadi, Alap
Unit 4 A brief description of Natya Shastra, Sangeet Ratnakar.

UK Board 10th Syllabus for Home Science

The UK Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Home Science for UBSE 10th examination is given below.

Unit 1

Principles of growth and development of a child; growth and development of children between birth to 3 years, Important milestones in physical, motor, social, emotional, and language, Development of children; physical, social, and emotional needs of children.

Unit 2

Role of books, music rhymes, games, radio, TV & Video, in the life of a child up to 3 years of age.

Unit 3

Meaning, need, and types of play in children, Characteristics of play active, passive, natural, serious, and exploratory, Play materials for children, and Characteristics of play material.

Unit 4

Functions, sources, and deficiency of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats Minerals-Iron, Calcium and Iodine, Vitamins, Loss of nutrients during cooking, conservation, and enhancement of nutrients.

Unit 5

Meal Planning: Concept, need, and factors affecting meal planning, sex, climate, occupation, physical needs, number of family members, the economic status of the family, availability of food, family traditions, likes and dislikes, and occasion; Food Groups (Basic:5 suggested by ICMR); Use of food groups in planning a balanced diet, food allowances suggested by ICMR.

Unit 6

Food hygiene & methods of storage of food: Rules of hygienic handling of food, Method of storage of perishable, semi-perishable, and non-perishable foods

Unit 7

Resources available to a family: Types of resources (Energy, time, knowledge, and skill) Non-Human (money, material goods, and community resources); general characteristics of resources, the wise use of resources; personal & shared

Unit 8

Money Management: Family Income and Expenditure and the Importance of Saving & Investment

Unit 9

Consumer Education: Consumer rights and responsibilities, consumer problems, malpractices of traders-price variation, poor quality, adulteration, faulty weights and measures, non­availability of goods, Misleading information, lack of standardized products, misleading advertisement, aids to help consumers-standardization marks, labels, packages, advertisement, Pamphlets & Leaflets

Unit 10

Care of clothes: Cleaning and finishing agents used in the everyday care of clothes in the homes: stain removal (precautions and methods); laundering and storage of cotton, silk, wool, and synthetics.

Unit 11

Quality check of apparel: Workmanship of readymade, tailor-made garments, reading of labels on clothes

UK Board Class 10th Syllabus for Science

Refer to the table below to know the chapter-wise topics under the UK Board Class 10th Syllabus for Science.

Science UK Board 10th Syllabus
Units Topics
I Chemical Substances-Nature and Behaviour 
II World of Living 
III Natural Phenomena
IV Effects of Current
V Natural Resources

UK Class 10th Syllabus for Social Science

The table below represents the topics covered under the UK Board Class 10th Syllabus for Social Science.

Science UK Board 10th Syllabus
Units Topics
I India & Contemporary World
II Contemporary India
III Democratic Politics
IV Understanding Economic Development
V Disaster Management

UK Board 10th Syllabus for Hindi

The UK board exam for Hindi consists of a total of 80 marks. Students can refer to the snippet of the UK Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25 below for more clarifications.

UK Board 10th Exam Marking Scheme 2024-25

The students must be aware of the marking scheme for the UK Board 10th exams. This enables them to prepare more strategically. The marking scheme for the UK Board 10th exams is given below.

Marking Scheme for UK Board 10th Exams
Subjects Theory Paper Marks Practical Paper Marks Internal Assessment
English 100  - -
Hindi 100  - -
Mathematics 80  - 20 
Social Science 80  - 20 
Science 80  - 20 

Benefits of Using UK Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25

The students can refer to the following important points regarding the UK Board 10th syllabus 2024-25.

  • Familiarising with the UK board 10th syllabus 2024-25 will help candidates to become efficient and effective in their studies.
  • Analyzing the syllabus for the UK class 10th board will give candidates a blueprint for the exam.
  • Candidates are required to go through the latest UK class 10th board examination curriculum.
  • The syllabus for UK class 10th includes some major subjects like Science, Math, Social Science, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, and Punjabi.
  • UK Board 10th 2024-25 syllabus aids the candidates in becoming aware of the UK board 10th exam pattern, thus leading to effective practice for the board exams.

FAQs on Uttarakhand 10th Syllabus

Q: From where can the students download the UK Board 10th syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Are questions in the 10th exam strictly based on the UK Board class 10th syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Has the board released the UK Board 10th 2024-25 syllabus?

Q: What are the benefits of the UK Board 10th 2024-25 syllabus class syllabus?

Q: How long does it take to cover the UK Board 10th 2024-25 syllabus?

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