NBSE HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25: Check Marking Schema, Blueprint

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Jan 9, 2025

The Nagaland Board of School Education released the NBSE HSLC exam pattern 2024-25 for Maths, English, Science, Social Science, Hindi, and more. Each paper will be held for 100 marks where 80 marks are allocated to the external and the remaining 20 are for internal exams. 

The exam pattern helps the students appearing for the board examinations comprehend the NBSE HSLC syllabus, marking schemes, and grading system. 

NBSE HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25: Important Highlights

The students will be given 3 hours to complete the NBSE HSLC exams. Some of the important information about the NBSE HSLC 2024-25 exam pattern is given below for the student's reference. 

NBSE HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25 Important Highlights
Particulars Details
Name of the exam  Nagaland Board of School Education  
Mode of exam  Offline 
Exam dates 13 Feb 2024-25 to 23 Feb 2024-25
Exam duration  3 hours 
Question pattern Objective type
Very short type
Short type
Long type
Total marks 100
Passing marks 33% in each subject
Negative marking No
Official website nbsenl.edu.in.

Nagaland Board HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25: Marking Scheme

The NBSE HSLC exam pattern 2024-25 and the marking scheme help the students understand the number of marks allotted to various topics. The marking scheme, along with the blueprints for English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science, are given below.

Marking Scheme for English and Literature

There will be a 100-mark examination for English, where 80 marks are for theory and 20 for internal assessments. The distribution of marks is given below.

English Literature Marking Scheme
Topics Marks
Section A: Literature, Reading, Writing and Grammar 80
Section B: Internal Assessment 20

NBSE HSLC Exam English Blueprint 

The students can refer to the NBSE HSLC english blueprint for bifurcation of marks, key topics, and other vital aspects. The Nagaland Board HSLC exam pattern is provided below.

Marking Scheme for Mathematics

The questions based on Algebra carry the most weightage in the Mathematics question paper for the NBSE HSLC examination. The parameters for scoring for different chapters are given below.  

Maths Marking Scheme
Topics Marks
Algebra 20
Geometry  16
Trigonometry 12
Mensuration 12
Statistics and Probability 12
Coordinate Geometry 6
Number System 2

NBSE HSLC Exam Blueprint for Mathematics

The marks allocation for important topics for Maths are provided in the blueprint below. This will help the students to focus on the chapters with more marks.

Marking Scheme for Science

The topics of Material and Energy contain the maximum marks weightage. Students can analyze and focus on the following important topics according to the marks distribution given below. 

Science Marking Scheme
Topics Marks
Materials  25
Energy 24
Living World  20
Natural Resources  5
Our Environment  6

NBSE HSLC Exam Blueprint for Science

The NBSE class 10 blueprint for science is given below. Refer to the information below for clarification on the distribution of marks and the form of questions asked.

Marking Scheme for Social Science

The total marks allotted for Social Science is 80, where questions are majorly asked from topics such as India and The Contemporary World, Resources, Democratic Politics, and Understanding an Economy. Given below are the details of marks allotment for each topic.

Marking Scheme for Social Science
Topics Marks
India and The Contemporary World 18
Resources 18
Democratic Politics 18
Understanding an Economy 16
Nagaland (Geography & G.K.) 10

NBSE HSLC Exam Blueprint for Social Science

The questions for social science carry a total of 80 marks. The students can refer to the blueprint below for an in-depth marking scheme for vital topics.

NBSE HSLC Exam 2024-25: Grading System

The NBSE follows a grading system for the HSLC board examinations. The grades are provided on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates. These grades determine the student's overall performance and their eligibility for further studies and career aspects. 

NBSE HSLC Exam Grading System 2024-25
Grade Percentage Terms of performance
A1 Top 2% Truly outstanding
A2 Next 8% Outstanding
B1 Next 12 Excellent
B2 Next 18 Very good
C1 Next 25 Good
C2 Next 23 Above Average
D Next 12 Average
E1 Needs improvement  
E2 Needs improvement  

NBSE HSLC Exam Pattern 2024-25: List of Subjects

The NBSE HSLC examination consists of 7 papers out of 18 compulsory, optional, and internally assessed subjects. The examination is held in English or any one of the preferred languages. Given below are the details regarding the list of subjects in the NBSE board examination.

Compulsory Subjects:

  1. First Language - English
  2. Second Language (any 1)
    • Hindi
    • Bengali
    • Lotha
    • Alternative English
    • Ao
    • Sumi
  3. Mathematics
  4. Social Science
  5. Science

Optional Subjects (any 1):

  1. Accounts
  2. Environmental Education
  3. Book Keeping
  4. Music
  5. Foundation of Information Technology
  6. Home Science

Internally Assessed Subjects:

  1. Work and Arts Education
  2. Physical Education

FAQs on NBSE HSLC Exam Pattern

Q: What are the passing marks for NBSE HSLC exams?

Q: Who is eligible for the NBSE HSLC examinations?

Q: What are the total marks as per the NBSE HSLC exam?

Q: Where can the candidates access the NBSE exam?

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