TS SSC Exam Pattern 2024-25: Check Latest Marking Scheme and Paper Pattern

Sushmita Sundas

Updated on - May 21, 2024

The Directorate of Government Examinations, Telangana has released the TS SSC exam pattern 2024-25. As per the revised exam pattern, students will now have to appear for 6 papers. The total marks allotted to each paper in the TS exams is 100 marks, out of which 80 is for the theory and 20 is for practical. 

The TS SSC exam 2024-25 will be conducted from March to April 2025 (tentative) in pen and paper mode. The subjects included are Telegu, Maths, English, General Science, and Social Science. Students must score a minimum of 35 marks on each paper. 

TS SSC Syllabus 2024-25 TS SSC Model Paper

TS SSC 2024-25 Exam Pattern: Details

The TS SSC exam pattern 2024-25 contains details regarding question paper pattern, marking distribution and topic allocation from the recent syllabus. Refer to the table below for more details on the TS SSC exam pattern 2024-25.  

TS SSC Exam Pattern
Particulars Details
Name of the exam  Telangana State Board SSC Examination
Mode of exam  Offline 
Exam duration  3 hours 

Shift 1: 9 PM to 12 PM (Tentative)
Shift 2: 2 PM to 5 PM (Tentative)
Core subjects Telugu, Maths, English, General Science, Social Science
Total Marks Telugu: (80 for theory+20 for practical)
Maths: (80 for theory+20 for practical)
English: (80 for theory+20 for practical)
General and Social Science: (80 for theory+20 for practical)
Question pattern Objective type
Very short type
Short type
Long type
Language of examination

Telugu medium (TM)
English medium (EM)
Urdu medium (UM)
Passing marks 35% in each subject
Negative marking No negative marking
Official website  bse.telangana.gov.in

TS Board 10th Exam Pattern: Marks Distribution

The TS 10th board exams will be conducted in three languages - English, Telugu & Urdu. Moreover, as per the modified TS SSC exam pattern 2024-25, the non-language papers consist of 50 marks, out of which 40 will be allotted for theory and the remaining 10 marks will be for practical.

The subject-wise mark distribution is tabulated below for the student's reference. 

TS SSC Marks Distribution 2024-25
Subject  Total Marks  Theory Exam Marks  Internal Assessment 
First language (Hindi/Urdu/Telugu) 100 80 20
Second Language (Hindi/Telugu) 100 80 20
Third language (English) 100 80 20
Mathematics (Paper 1) 50 40 10
Mathematics (Paper 2) 50 40 10
Biological Science  50 40 10
Physical Science  50 40 10
Geography and Economics  50 40 10
History and Civics  50 40 10

TS SSC Exam Pattern 2024-25: Marking Scheme

The students need to understand that the Directorate of Government Examinations Telangana (BSE) has cut the number of papers from 11 to 6 due to the pandemic. These six papers carry 100 marks, which are divided into theory and practical papers. Students must use the TS SSC 2024-25 exam pattern to prepare effectively.

TS Class 10 Marking Scheme 2024-25 for Theory 

The theory paper consists of 80 marks for the language papers and for the non-language papers, it consists of 40 marks. Students must thoroughly understand the TS SSC syllabus 2024-25 to score well.

Refer to the table mentioned below to get the subject-wise marking scheme for language and non-language theory papers. 

TS SSC 2024-25 Exam Pattern Marking Scheme for Theory
Subjects  Maximum marks  Passing marks 
First language (Hindi, Sanskrit, Telugu) 80 28
Second Language (Hindi/Telugu) 80 28
Third language (English) 80 28
Mathematics (Paper 1) 40 14
Mathematics (Paper 2) 40 14
Biological Science 40 14
Physical Science  40 14
Geography and Economics  40 14
History and Civics 40 14

TS Class 10 Marking Scheme 2024-25 for Practical

In order to pass the TS SSC exam 2024-25, students must score minimum passing marks in practical papers. It consists of 20 marks for the language papers and 10 marks for non-language papers.

Refer to the table below for more details.

TS SSC 2024-25 Exam Pattern Marking Scheme for Practical
Subjects  Maximum marks  Passing marks 
First language (Hindi, Sanskrit, Telugu) 20 07
Second Language (Urdu) 20 07
English  20 07
Mathematics (Paper 1) 10 03
Mathematics (Paper 2) 10 03
Biological Science 10 03
Physical Science 10 03
Geography and Economics 10 03
History and Civics 10 03

TS SSC Grading Scheme

The Telengana State Board has set grading criteria on a scale of A to D based on the students' performance in the exam. The grades will be assigned as per the overall percentage secured by the candidates. The grading scheme of TS SSC exam 2024-25 is given below. 

TS SSC Grading Criteria
Grade Percentage Marks
A 75% or above 750 above
B 60% - 75% 600 - 749
C 50% -60% 500 - 599
D 35% - 50% 350 - 499

FAQs on TS SSC Exam Pattern

Q: What are the total marks for the TS SSC exam as per the latest as per the TS SSC 2024-25 exam pattern?

Q: What are the passing marks for the TS SSC 2024-25 exam?

Q: How many papers are there in SSC in Telangana?

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