MP Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25: Check the Latest MBSE 10th Syllabus 2024-25

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Nov 12, 2024

The MP board 10th syllabus 2025-25 is published for all the subjects including Maths, Science, Social Science and more. The updated syllabus outlines the detailed course structure, important topics and chapters. Students are advised to use the syllabus to score well in the board exam. 

The MP Board 10th 2024-25 syllabus will assist students in formulating preparation strategies for the MP Board 10th exam 2024. Students can also refer to the MP board 10th model paper 2024 for better preparation after the completion of the MPBSE 10th syllabus 2024-25. 

MP Board 10th Exam Pattern 2024-255 MP Board 10th Books

MP Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25: Download PDF

Students can download the syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 from the official portal in PDF format. The board has also introduced the reduced syllabus of class 10th MP board 2024-25, which candidates can review to learn about the latest curriculum.

Students can find direct links below to download the MP Board class 10 syllabus 2024-25 for different subjects :

MP Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25 PDF
Subject PDF Link
MP Board Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25 Download Now

Read More: MP board 10th Reduced Syllabus 2024-25

MP Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25: Subject-Wise

The subjects under the MBSE class 10 syllabus 2024-25 are divided into three subject schemes, i.e. special subjects, general subjects, and others. The MP Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 for different subjects is given in the following sections.

MP Board Class 10th Maths Syllabus

There are twelve units under the Mathematics subject as per the MBSE 10th syllabus 2024. Unit-wise topics and mark distribution for Mathematics under the MP Board 10th 2024-25 syllabus are as follows:

MPBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 - Mathematics
Unit Number and Name Topics Marks
1. Linear equations in 2 variables 1. Linear Equation in Two Variables System of Linear Equations 12
2. Algebraic Method
3. Graphically - Elimination by Substitution, Elimination by Equating the Coefficients, Cross Multiplication, Transpose Method of Vedic Mathematics
Application of Linear Equation in Two Variables in Solving Simple Problems From Different Areas.
2. Polynomials Zero of a Polynomial, the Relationship Between Zeros and Coefficients of a Polynomial With Particular Reference to Quadratic Polynomials. Statements and Simple Problems on Division Algorithms for Polynomials With Real Coefficients.  07
Rational Expression - Meaning, Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication, Factorization of Cyclic Order Expressions. Introduction of Hridharachrya and His Formula Method.
3. Ratio & Proportions Ratio and Proportion; Componendo, Dividend, Alternendo, Invertendo, Etc., and Their Application 05
(A) Meaning, Its Standard ax2 + Bx + C = A = 0 Factorisation Method and Formula Method, The Discriminant of the Quadratic Equation and the Nature of Roots.
4. Quadratic Equations (B) Applications of the Quadratic Equation. Different Areas, Solutions of Equations That Are Reducible to the Quadratic Equation, To Factorize Quadratic Polynomial With the Help of the Formula. 10
5. Commercial Maths (A) Compound Interest:- Rate of Growth, Depreciation, Conversion Period Not More Than 4 Years. (Rate Should Be 4%, 5% or 10%)  08
(B) Installments: Installments, Payments, Installment Buying (Number of Installments Should Not Be More Than Two in Case of Buying) Only Equal Installments Should Be Taken in Case of Payment Thought Equal Installments Not More Than 3 Installments Should Be Taken.
(C) Income Tax: Calculation of Income Tax for salaried class (Salary exclusive of H.R.A.)
(D) Logarithm:-(I) Application in Mathematics Use in Compound Interest, Increase in Population and Depreciation, II) Use of Logarithm Mensuration Areas of Rectangle, Square, Triangle, Rhombus, Trapezium Which Were Taught in Earlier Classes (Simple Problems)
6. Geometry Similar Triangles(I) (Motivate) If a Line Is Drawn Parallel to One Side of a Triangle, the Other Two Sides Are Divided in the Same Ratio. 08
(II) (Prove) If a Line Divides Any Two Sides of a Triangle in the Same Ratio, the Line Is Parallel to the Third Side.
(III) (Motivate) If, in Two Triangles, the Corresponding Angles Are Equal, Their Corresponding Sides Are Proportionate (Axiom).
(IV) (Motivate) If the Corresponding Sides of Two Triangles Are Proportional, Their Corresponding Angles Are Equal (Axiom).
(V) (Motivate) If Two Triangles Are Equiangular, the Triangles Are Similar (Axiom)
(VI) (Prove) If the Corresponding Sides of the Two Triangles Are Proportional, Then the Triangles Are Similar.
(VII) (Prove) If One Angle of a Triangle Is Equal to One Angle of the Other and the Sides Including These Angles Are Proportional the Triangle Are Similar.
(VIII) (Motivate) If a Perpendicular Is Drawn From the Vertex of the Right Angle of a Right Triangle to the Hypotenuse, the Triangle on Each Side of the Perpendicular Is Similar to the Whole Triangle and Each Other.
(IX) (Prove) The Ratio of the Areas of Similar Triangles Is Equal to the Ratio of the Squares of Their Corresponding Sides.
7. Circles (I) (Motivate) Two Circles Are Congruent If They Have Equal Radii. 10
(II) (Motivate) In a Circle or Two Congruent Circles, if Areas Are Equal the Angles Subtended By the Areas at the Center Are Equal, and It's Converse (Axiom).
(III) (Motivate) If the Areas of Two Congruent Circles Are Equal Their Corresponding Chords Are Equal and It's Converse.
(IV) (Prove) Perpendicular to a Chord From the Center of a Circle, Bisects the Chord and Its Converse.
(V) (Motivate) One and Only One Circle Can Be Drawn Through Three
(VI) (Motivate) Equal Chords Are Equidistant From the Center and Conversely, if Two Chords Are Equidistant From the Center, They Are Equal.
(VII) (Prove) Angle Subtended By an Arc at the Center Is Twice the Angle Subtended At Any Other Point on the Circle.
(VIII) (Prove) Angle Subtended In a Semicircle Is a Right Angle and Its Converse.
(IX) (Prove) Angles in the Same Segment of the Circle Are Equal.
(X) If the Angles Subtended At Two Points on the Same Side of the - Line Segment Are Equal, Then All Four Points Are Concyclic.
(XI) (Motivate) Equal Chords Subtend Equal Angles at the Center and Are Converse.
(XII) (Prove) The Sum of Either Pair of the Opposite Angles of a Cyclic Quadrilateral Is 1800.
(XIII) (Prove) Tangent Drawn to a Circle at Any Point Is Perpendicular to the Radius Through the Point of Contact.
(XIV) (Prove) The Lengths of Tangents Drawn From an External Point to a Circle Are Equal.
(XV) (Motivate) If Two Chords of a Circle Intersect Internally or Externally Then the Rectangle Formed by the Two Parts of One Chord Is Equal in Area to the Rectangle Formed by the Two Parts of the Other.
8. Constructions (I) Constructions of the Circumcircle and in a Circle of a Triangle. 5
(II) To Construct a Triangle if Its Base and the Angle Opposite to It are given Altitude or Median Is Given.
(III) Construct a Cyclic Quadrilateral if It's One Vertical Angle Is the Right Angle.
(IV) Construction of Triangles and Quadrilaterals Similar to the Given Figure as per the Given Scale Factor
9. Trigonometry 1. Trigonometrical Functions Trigonometrical Identities, 2. Proving Simple Identities Based on the Above Trigonometrical Ratios of the Complementary Angle 10
10. Heights & Distance Simple Problem Based on Heights and Distances Based on Angles 300, 450, 600 Only. 05
11. Mensuration Cube and Cuboid:- Concept of Cube Cuboid and Its Four Walls, Diagonal, Surface Area, and Volume. 10
Cylinder Cone and Sphere - Cylinder, Hollow Cylinder, Sphere, Spherical Shell, Cone Surface Areas, Whole Surface Area, and Volumes.
Frustum of a Cone, Problem Involving Converting One Type of Metallic Solid Into Another and Other Mixed Problems. Problems With a Combination of Not More Than Two Different Solids Are Taken.
12. Statistics & Probability Mean, Median, and Mode, Living Index Problems Related to the Cost of Living Index 10
Probability - The Classical Definition of Probability, Connection With Probability as Given in Class IX, Simple Problems on Single Events, Not Using Set Notation.
Total 100

MP Board Class 10th Science Syllabus

The science subject under the MP Board class 10 syllabus 2024 comprises ten units. The Unit-wise topics and mark distribution for the MP board 10th 2024-25 syllabus for the Science subject are given in the table below. 

MP Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25 - Science
Unit Number Topics Marks
1 Rate of Chemical Reaction, Chemical Equilibrium, and Important Chemical Compounds. 6
2 Light 7
3 Electricity 8
4 Sources of Energy 5
5 Life Processes, Digestion, and Respiration 6
6 Transportation, Excretion 8
7 Reproduction, Growth, Heredity and Evolution 5
8 Metals and Non-Metals 9
9 Carbon Compounds 8
10 Environment and Environmental Problems, Classification of Medicinal Plants 8
11 The Universe - BroadEnvironmental Revision 5
Total 75

MP Board 10th Syllabus for Social Science 

The social science subject under MBSE class 10 2024 consists of chapters based on History, Geography, Civics, Economics, etc. The unit-wise topics for Social Science under the MP board class 10th syllabus 2024-25 are provided below:

MBSE 10th Syllabus 2024 - Social Science
Unit Topics
India Resources Types of Resources, Forest and Wild Life, Agriculture, Water Resources, Mineral Resources, Power Resources, etc.
Industry Types, Contribution of Industries to National Economy, Industrial Pollution, etc.
Transport, Communication & ForeignTrade Transport-Utility and types, Means of Communication, Foreign Trade, Imports, and Exports
Disaster Management Natural Calamities, Man-Made Calamities, General Calamities
Maps Reading and Marking
First Struggle for Freedom and After Introduction to Important Revolutionaries, First Struggles for Freedom of 1857, Moderates and the Extreme Birth of the Indian National Congress.
Events Related to the Independence Revolution Revolution of Bange Bhang Partition of India in 1947 and Its Silent Features, Contribution of Madhya Pradesh to the Freedom Struggle.
Major Events of the Post-Independence Period India's Relations With Neighboring Countries, Birth of Bangladesh, Emergency in India, Kashmir Problem, Rise of India as Atomic Power, Etc.
Indian Constitution Organization of Constitution Draft Committee, Salient Features of the Indian Constitution.
Working of Indian Democracy Federal System, Organs of Government, Division of Administrative Power between Centre and States, etc.
Major Challenges Before Democracy Increase in Population, Unemployment, Communalism, Terrorists, Drug Addiction, etc.
Story of Development The Ancient and Modern Concept of Economic Development. National Income and per Capita Income, Economic Planning in India, Money and Financial System, Private Financial Institutions and Different Types of Banks, Etc.
Services Sector Service Sector, Infrastructure, etc.
Consumer Awareness Needs and Importance, Consumer Exploitation, Causes, and Remedies. Standardization of Commodities, Government Role
Economic Systems and Globalisation Economic Systems and Globalisation

MP Board 10th Syllabus for Special Subjects (English, Hindi)

The special subjects under MP Board Class 10 2024 consist of language-based subjects such as Hindi, English, Urdu, Sanskrit, etc. The MP board class 10 syllabus 2024-25 for special subjects is as follows:

MBSE 10th Syllabus 2024-25 (Special Subjects)
Section Topics Marks
A Reading 30
B Writing skills 30
C Grammar 15
D Prescribed text 25
Total 100

How to Download the MP Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25?

Candidates can download the latest MP Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 for each subject on the official website. Follow the step-by-step procedure for candidates to download the MP board 10th 2024-25 syllabus from the board's official website.

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the MP board.
  • Step 2: Click on the 'Academics' section at the top of the home page.

MP 10th Syllabus

  • Step 3: Candidates must click on the "Revised syllabus for 10th class" link.
  • Step 4: A new window with MP board 10th syllabus will open.
  • Step 5: Download and save the syllabus PDF file for further reference.

Marking Scheme Under MP Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25

The MPBSE 10th marking scheme 2025 must be followed by the students appearing for the board exam. Some of the important points regarding the marking scheme is provided below. 

  • For all the subjects including Maths, Social Science, Science, Hindi and English will carry 30 marks for objective type questions.
  • The exam pattern will also include the subjective type questions and it will carry 3 marks each. Students have to solve any three questions out of five. 
  • The subjective type questions must have a word limit of 75 to 100 words. 
  • The lenghiest questions will be conducted for four marks and it should include at least 125 to 150 words.  

How to Prepare with the MP Board 10th Syllabus 2024-25?

Students must refer to the current syllabus while preparing for the exam as it guides students to cover all the chapters and topics that will be covered in the board exam. Refer to the pointers below.

  • Students can check the topic allocation along with the chapter-wise marking scheme.
  • Highlight important chapters based on the marking assignment. 
  • Prepare short notes for important topics to be prioritized before the exam. 
  • Cover all the chapters and units from the syllabus. Students should avoid skipping any topics.

FAQs on MPBSE 10th Syllabus

Q: From where can the students download their MP board 10th syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Has the MP board 10th syllabus 2024-25 been reduced?

Q: Is English a compulsory subject as per the MP board 2024-25 10th syllabus?

Q: What type of questions can students expect in their MP board 10th exam?

Q: How long does it take to cover MP board 10th syllabus 2024-25?

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