MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Check Mizoram Board Class 10th Syllabus Here

Roumik Roy

Updated on - May 16, 2024

The MBSE HSLC syllabus is important study material for students preparing for the MBSE final examination. The HSLC syllabus of MBSE contains a detailed analysis of subject-wise topics along with the MBSE HSLC exam pattern 2024

Students need to cover all the subjects in the MBSE HSLC 2024-25 syllabus for candidates appearing in the MBSE HSLC Board exam 2024 which is scheduled to be conducted in March 2025 (tentative). The questions under the MBSE HSLC examination 2024-25 will be curated as per the syllabus.

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MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25

The Mizoram board is responsible for releasing the syllabus and prescribing books for secondary class students. MBSE HSLC syllabus 2024 contains detailed chapters and topics taught in five compulsory subjects and an optional subject.

Students can go through the table below to learn about the subjects taught in class 10th, along with the marks allotted to each subject. 

Subjects of MBSE HSLC and Marks Allocation
Subjects of HSLC
Two Languages:
(1) English or Hindi (Course A) 100 marks
(2) Anyone from the following:
Hindi (Course B), Assamese, Bengali, Manipuri, Nepali, Mizo, Khasi, Garo, Tynnidie, Alternative English 100 marks
(3) Mathematics 100 marks
(4) Science 100 marks
(5) Social Science 100 marks
(6) Physical and Health Education Grade
(7) Work Experience Grade
(8) Art Education Grade
Total 500


  1. The subjects mentioned in Sl. Nos 6,7,8 of 14.2 (Subject of Studies) are to be internally examined in the Letter Grade System on a 5-point scale.
  2. For the second language, only those students who do not prefer any of the given languages will be allowed to select Alternative English as a second language.

MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Mathematics

Students must prepare for the Mathematics exams by going through the syllabus first. We have provided a detailed MBSE HSLC Mathematics syllabus and mark distribution below:

MBSE HSLC Mathematics Syllabus
Chapters Topics Included Marks
Commercial Mathematics Installment payments and Installment buying 08
Time, Distance, and Work Solution of problems based on time, work, and distance.
Algebra Polynomials, Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progression (AP), Sets 21
Geometry Triangles, Circles, Constructions. 15
Co-ordinate Geometry Concepts of coordinate geometry, including graphs of linear equations, geometrical representation of quadratic polynomials, Distance between two pairs, and section formula (internal). Area of a triangle. 08
Trigonometry Proving simple identities, Heights, and Distances 10
Mensuration Areas related to Circle, Surface Areas, and Volumes, 10
Statistics and Probability Mean, Probability, Pictorial representation of data 08

Note: The board has made some changes to the Mathematics syllabus, and therefore the students are requested to check the link provided below and to accordingly mark the changes and omissions, and prepare accordingly for the exams.

MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science 

There are two tables in the image, and both highlight the MBSE HSLC 2024-25 syllabus. However, it must be clear that the first table is specifically listed to highlight the chapters removed from each section. 

The following is the MBSE HSLC syllabus 2024-25 for social science. 

HSLC Social Science Syllabus

MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Science 

The science syllabus is divided into three subjects: physics, chemistry, and biology, and each section has gone through some omissions; therefore, the students are advised to go through the detailed MBSE HSLC science syllabus below.

Chapters Topics Total Marks
Natural Phenomena Convergence and divergence of light. 10
Images formed by a concave mirror; related concepts; center of curvature; principal axis. Optic center, focus, focal length.
Refraction; laws of refraction.
The image formed by a convex lens; functioning of a lens in the human eye; problems of vision and remedies
Applications of spherical mirrors and lenses. Appreciations of the concept of refraction; velocity of light; refractive index; twinkling of stars; and dispersion of light.
Scattering of light.
How things work Effects of current: Potential, Potential difference, Ohm’s law; Series combination of resistors, parallel combination of resistors. 10
Power: dissipation due to current.
The interrelation between P, V, I, and R.
Magnet: Magnetic field, field lines, field due to a current carrying wire, field due to current carrying coil or solenoid.
Force on the current-carrying conductor.
Fleming’s left-hand rule.
Electromagnetic induction.
Induced potential difference.
Induced current.
Direct current.
Alternating current; frequency of AC.
Advantage of AC over DC.
Domestic electric circuits.
Materials Chemical Substances- Nature and behavior, Acids, bases, and salts-General properties, examples, and uses. 23
Chemical reactions- Types of chemical reactions: combination, decomposition, displacement, double, displacement, precipitation, neutralization, oxidation, and reduction in terms of gain and loss of oxygen and hydrogen.
Metals and non-metals- Brief discussion of basic metallurgical processes, Properties of common metal, and The elementary idea of bonding.
Carbon Compounds- An elementary idea about bonding, Saturated hydrocarbons, alcohols, and carboxylic acids (no preparation, only properties).
Some Important chemical compounds- Soap-cleansing action of soap.
Periodic classification of elements- Gradations in properties: Mendeleev periodic table.
The World of the Living Our environment- Environmental problems, their solutions. Biodegradable, non-biodegradable, Ozone Depletion, Life Processes: “living” things; the Basic concept of nutrition, respiration, transport, and excretion in plants and animals. 17
Control and Coordination in plants and animals- Tropic movements in plants; Introduction to plant hormones. Control and coordination in animals: voluntary, involuntary, and reflex action nervous system, chemical coordination: animal hormones.
Reproduction- Reproduction in plants and animals. Need for and methods of family planning. Safe sex vs HIV, AIDS. Childbearing and women’s health.
Heredity and evolution- Heredity, Origin of life: a brief introduction, Basic concepts of evolution.
Natural Resources Conservation of natural resources- Management of natural resources, Conservation and judicious use of natural resources, Forest and wildlife, Coal and petroleum conservation, People’s participation- Chipko movement, Legal perspectives in conservation and international scenario. 10
The Regional environment- Big dams: advantages and limitations, Water harvesting, Sustainability of natural resources.
Sources of energy- Different forms of energy- fossil fuels, solar energy, biogas, wind, water, tidal energy, Nuclear energy, Renewable versus non-renewable sources.
Total marks 70

MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for English

The syllabus for the MBSE HSLC English is given below for the candidates. Students must read and write English regularly to improve their reading, writing, and grammar skills.

Section Topics/syllabus Marks
Reading A factual passage, a literary passage, or a discursive passage of 350-400 words with 3 Short Answer Questions, 2 Multiple Choice Questions, and 2 Very Short Answer Questions. 10
Writing Short composition of 50 words limit e.g. Postcard, notice, message writing, poster, reports, invitation, summarisation (Precis Writing), etc
One long composition of 150-200 words e.g. Article, letter writing (Formal/informal), Essay(descriptive/narrative), diary entry, Recording information, etc.
Speaking This will not be tested in a formal examination.  
Grammar verbs, sentence structure, other areas(determiners,pronouns,prepositions,punctuation, synonyms/antonyms,word order in sentence type) 15
Literature Questions will be asked from the coursebook which includes Pros, Poetry, and Literature readers. 40
Total marks 80

How to Download MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25?

Mizoram board has published the syllabus for the MBSE HSLC examination 2024-25 on its official website. To download the MBSE board 10th syllabus 2024-25, students need to follow the following steps:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the board- mbse.edu.in
  • Step 2: On the home page under the Menu section, click on the "Academic" link.
  • Step 3: Click on the link mentioning "High School".
  • Step 4: This will redirected to a new window and will be available for download in the form of a PDF file.
  • Step 5: Note down the topics removed and the changes made in the syllabus.

MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2023-24: Download PDF

Candidates must download the MBSE HSLC syllabus 2023-24 and plan a schedule to prepare for the board exams. Find below the PDF of the MBSE HSLC 2023-24 syllabus for the MBSE HSLC examination:

MBSE HSLC syllabus 2023-24 Download PDF
Particulars PDF Link
MBSE HSLC Syllabus PDF 2023-24 Download Now

FAQs on MBSE HSLC Syllabus

Q: Has the board released the MBSE HSLC syllabus 2023-24?

Q: How long will it take to complete the MBSE class 10 Syllabus 2023-24?

Q: What are the main subjects listed under the MBSE HSLC syllabus 2023-24?

Q: Mention the passing criteria for MBSE HSLC exam 2024?

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