HBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25: Check Subject-Wise Weightage

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Oct 25, 2024

The Board of Secondary Education Haryana has released the HBSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 for various subjects like Maths, Science, Social Science, Hindi and more. The exam pattern gives a detailed analysis of chapter-wise marking allocation, grading scheme, and question pattern. 

The questions included in the HBSE 10th exam pattern are objective, short-answer, essay-type, and very short-answer questions. The total mark for each subject is 100, and there are no negative markings.

HBSE 10th Syllabus HBSE 10th Previous Year Question Papers

HBSE 10th 2024-25 Exam Pattern: Highlights

The HBSE class 10th exams will be held for 100 marks, and students will be given three hours to attempt their HBSE papers. The detailed highlight of the HBSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 is mentioned below for the student's reference.

HBSE Class 10th Exam Pattern Highlights 2024-25
Particulars Details
Name of the exam  Board of Secondary Education Haryana
Mode of exam  Offline 
Exam dates Feb to Mar 2025 (tentative)
Exam duration  3 hours 
Shift 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Total Marks 80 theory + 20 practicals
Question pattern Multiple Choice Questions
Long Type Questions
Short Type Questions
Passing marks 33% in each subject
Negative marking No negative marking
Official website bseh.org.in

Subject Wise HBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25

The HBSE 10th 2024-25 exam consists of theory and practical papers, which include Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science, along with optional subjects. The list of core and optional subjects is given in the following sections.

HBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25 for Core Subjects

The HBSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 for subjects like English, Hindi, Mathematics, and more are provided below.

Exam Pattern for HBSE Core Subjects
Subject Theory Practical Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) Total Marks
English 80  - 20 100
Hindi 80  - 20 100
Mathematics 80  - 20 100
Science 60 20  20 100
Social Science 80  - 20 100

HBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25 for Optional Subjects

The marks distribution for the optional subjects like Music, Agriculture, Drawing, Dance and, Music are given below.

Exam Pattern for HBSE Optional Subjects
Subjects Theory Practical Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) Total Marks
Third language (except Sanskrit, Punjabi, or Urdu) 80 - 20 100
Animal Husbandry 60 20 20 100
Home Science 60 20 20 100
Agriculture 60 20 20 100
Drawing 60 20 20 100
Dance 20 60 20 100
Music 20 60 20 100
Computer Science 40 40 20 100
Physical and Health Education 60 20 20 100
List of Optional Subjects (Any 1)
ITES 30 50 20 100
Patient Care Assistance 30 50 20 100
Agri-Paddy Farming 30 50 20 100
Tourism-Hospitality-Travel 30 50 20 100
Retail Industry Business 30 50 20 100
Beauty and Wellness 30 50 20 100
Physical Education and Sports 30 50 20 100
Media Animation, Banking & Finance Services 30 50 20 100
Banking Insurance 30 50 20 100
Apparel Designing 30 50 20 100
Vision Technician 30 50 20 100
Automobile 30 50 20 100
Security Services 30 50 20 100

HBSE 10th Exam Marks Weightage

The HBSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 differs for various subjects in the board exams. The detailed marking scheme for main subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science is given below.

HBSE 10th Exam Marks Weightage for English

The grammar and literature consist of 40 marks each. Candidates can prepare accordingly for better scores. The HBSE class 10th exam pattern for English is given below. 

HBSE 10th English Marks Distribution 2024-25
Sections Question Analysis Number of Questions  Total Marks 
Section A: Reading skills  Unseen Passages - MCQs (10) & Very Short Answer Type(10) 20 
Punctuation Marks
Section B: Grammar (Attempt any 10 out of 12 MCQs)        Tenses 10         10        
Reported Speech
Sentences (Simple, Compound, Complex)
Figures Of Speech
 Section C: Writing skills(with internal choice)  a) Applications/Letters   2   10 
b) Story, Report and Paragraph Writing
C) Advertisement/Interview/Conversation 
Section D: Literature  First Flight(Main Reader): Lessons (1 to 9)- Short Answer & Very Short Answer Type, Essay Type Questions 10 40
Poems(1 to 10)- Short Answer & Very Short Answer Type
Footprints Without Feet(Supplementary): Lessons(1 to 9) - Short Answer Type & Essay Type Questions

HBSE 10th Exam Marks Weightage for Mathematics

The marks distribution for different topics in Maths is given below. Students can refer to the table and prioritize the topics accordingly. The following is the HBSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 for Mathematics. 

HBSE 10th Maths Marks Distribution 2024-25
Chapters Topics Marks Weightage
Number System Real Numbers  6
Algebra Polynomials 20
Pair of Linear Equations in Two
Quadratic Equations
Arithmetic Progressions
Coordinate Geometry Coordinate Geometry 6
Geometry Triangles, Circles 15
Trigonometry Introduction & Applications of Trigonometry 12
Mensuration Areas Related to Circles 10
Surface Areas and Volumes
Statistics and Probability Statistics, Probability 11

HBSE 10th Exam Marks Weightage for Science

The students can prepare for the science topics according to the marks' weightage. Generally, topics with high marks weightage are covered more in the examination. The HBSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 for science is provided below.

HBSE 10th Science Marks Distribution 2024-25
Topics Marks Weightage
Natural Phenomena 10
Effect of Current 10
Chemical Substances 20
Natural Resources 2
World of Living 18

HBSE 10th Exam Marking Scheme for Social Science

Students can refer to the table for the marks distribution for Social Science. Check the HBSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 provided in the table below.

HBSE 10th Social Science Marks Distribution 2024-25
Chapters Units Topics Marks Weightage
Democratic Politics - II Unit 1: Power sharing, Federalism 12
Gender, Religion, and Caste
Unit 2: Political parties 9
Outcomes of Democracy
Contemporary India - II Unit 1: Resource and Development 8
Forest and Wildlife Resources
Water Resources
Unit 2: Agriculture 7
Mineral and Energy Resources
Unit 3: Manufacturing Industries 6
Lifelines of the National Economy
Understanding Economic Development Unit-1 Development 8
Money and Credit
Sectors of Indian Economy
Unit-2 Consumer Rights 7
  Globalization and the Indian Economy
Bharat and the World Unit-1 Sarasvati - Sindhu Civilization 7
Major Civilizations Of The Ancient World
Major Philosophies Of The Wor
Unit-2 Medieval Society: Europe And India 7
Christianity And Islam: Rise And Conflict
Foreign Invasions on India
Unit-3 Colonialism and Imperialism 9
The movement against British Colonialism in India
50 Years of Independence

HBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25: Grading Scheme

Students appearing for the HBSE 10th exam 2024-25 will receive their grades on a scale of 1 to 9 based on their performance. Students will get grades under A+ to E depending on their percentage. Check the grading system illustrated in the table below. 

HBSE 10th Grading Scheme
Percentage Value Grades
90% - 100% 9 A+
80% - 89% 8 A
70% - 79% 7 B+
60% - 69% 6 B
50% - 59% 5 C+
40% - 49% 4 C
30% - 39% 3 D+
20% - 29% 2 D
Below 20% 1 E

FAQs on HBSE 10th Exam Pattern

Q: What are the passing marks for the HBSE 10th exams as per the HBSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25?

Q: Is the HBSE 10th exam pattern 2024-25 important to follow?

Q: Who releases the HBSE 10th 2024-25 exam pattern?

Q: What are the total marks for the HBSE 10th exams as per the HBSE 10th 2024-25 exam pattern?

Q: What is the total marks in HBSE 10th board exam?

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