HBSE Class 10 Exam Preparation Tips 2025: Best Books, Complete Strategy & Guide

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Oct 25, 2024

The class 10th exam for the Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE) is important for students. It is going to be their first board exam. Students going to take this exam must prepare accordingly to score good marks. The standard of the questions in this exam is moderate. Preparing a study plan and following it thoroughly till the day of the exam is the only key to getting the desired results. In this article, we will discuss the preparation tips for the HBSE exam to secure good grades.

Also Read: HBSE 10th exam 2025

HBSE Class 10th Preparation Tip for the Students for Maths

A majority of the students don’t have problem-solving ability or conceptual knowledge of mathematics. Hence, the fear of Mathematics will be present in their mind. Here are some tips for Mathematics to overcome fear and score good marks.

  • Figure out the weaknesses: Students need to figure out their weaknesses and topics they lack at the beginning of their preparation. Hence, the fear of Mathematics will be erased.
  • Give revision: Students should revise their syllabus regularly which will help them cover all topics.
  • Solve previous year’s questions: Students should start solving previous year’s question papers once their preparation is complete. They should follow the patterns of questions carefully.
  • Give more attention to the formulas: Students can prepare a chart with all formulas written on a single page. They can glance while revising, which will help them remember everything. 

HBSE Class 10th Preparation Tips for Science

Preparation for the Science subjects should be done through practice. It will help the students to remember everything and deliver during examinations.

Here are some tips for preparation in Science.

  • Prepare a schedule: All the students need to prepare a schedule on the very first day of their preparation and follow it strictly. This will make them well-prepared for their examination. 
  • Practice mathematical expression: In Physics, there will be a lot of mathematical expressions. Keep practicing by writing down while revising.
  •  Focus on diagrams: Biology is a subject that can be remembered easily by remembering the diagrams. Students can answer properly if they can practice the diagram with proper labels.
  • Get used to chemical reactions: In chemistry, there are chemical reactions in the organic and inorganic parts. Students can practice those reactions regularly and remember everything before taking the exam.

Also Read: HBSE class 10 syllabus 

HBSE Class 10th Preparation Tips for English

  • In this paper, students have to work on writing essays, paragraphs, etc. Therefore, students need to focus on these topics.
  • Revise each topic according to the syllabus regularly to be well-prepared for the exam.
  • Occasionally check the grammar and practice with it. Make sure that there will be no grammatical errors.
  • Give a mock test at home and check if you can finish the whole paper on time.

HBSE Class 10th Preparation Tips for Social Science

  • Social science is a big topic and students have to plan accordingly to prepare it. Prepare part by part and try to memorize it to cover the whole syllabus.
  • In History, significant dates, events, and incidents are crucial. Try to prepare a chapter-wise handwritten note to memorize it.
  • In Geography, there are important locations, environment, climate, etc. The best way to grasp this subject is to study with proper maps and diagrams.
  • Political Science and Economics are also vast subjects where incidents, events, terms, etc. are mentioned. Write down each topic as short notes and memorize it while studying.

Also Read: HBSE 10th sample papers 2025

HBSE Class 10th Preparation Tips for Other Subjects

Preparation for other subjects can be done in the same way as the previous subjects. A few points to remember are as follows:

  • Students should start their preparation as early as possible to cover the whole syllabus early. They will have enough time to revise the syllabus.
  • Revise each subject multiple times to make your preparation better. The more the revision is done, the more the topics will be in your mind.
  • Prepare handwritten notes where it is required. This will be helpful while covering all the topics in the final hour.
  • Solve previous year’s question papers to get used to the pattern and type of questions.
  • Give mock exams to check the level of your preparation.

How to Use the Syllabus for HBSE Class 10th Preparation?

A syllabus is the first thing from which preparation starts. Here is a list of how to start preparation for the HBSE Class 10th exam as follows:

  • Create a study plan according to the syllabus and follow it regularly.
  • Give revision every week. Mark the topics that you find difficult.
  • Start taking mocks once the syllabus is complete. 
  • Track your progress.

Also Read: HBSE Class 10 previous year question papers

HBSE Class 10th Preparation Timetable

Here is a timetable every student can follow:

  • Read all the subjects daily for 1 hour each.
  • Take short notes for 30 minutes for each subject.
  • Check the previous year’s question for 30 minutes.
  • Once the entire syllabus is covered, focus on revision.

Important Topics for HBSE Class 10th Preparation

Students should treat all the topics as important. Here are some important topics for the last-minute preparation are as follows.

  • Maths: Trigonometry, Geometry, Quadratic Equations, Statistics.
  • English: Writing (essay, letter), comprehension, grammar.
  • Science: Electricity (Physics), Chemical reactions (Chemistry), Photosynthesis and life process (Biology)
  • Social Science: Nationalism and democracy in India, resource and development of India, etc.

Online Sources and Materials for HBSE Class 10th Preparation

All the materials required to prepare for the HBSE Class 10th examination are available online and free. Students have to figure out which resource they want to follow. Here is a list of online resources as follows:

  • YouTube Videos from Khan Academy, Physics Wallah, CrashCurse, Vedantu, Byju’s, etc. channels.
  • Thousands of free materials are available online.
  • There are also free mock tests available on some apps. Students can take those mock tests to prepare.

Also Read: HBSE 10th exam pattern

HBSE Class 10th Preparation Tips for Exam Day

Here is the list of last-minute preparation tips for this exam is as follows:

  • Don’t try to revise everything. Revise handwritten notes only.
  • Give a revision to the formulas, mathematical expressions, diagrams, chemical reactions, etc.
  • Don’t bother with the topics that are left, focus on the topics that you prepared.
  • Stay calm and focused before entering the exam hall.

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