B.Tech Subjects and Syllabus

Duration: 4 Years
Avg Fees: INR 2,200 - 6,00,000 per year
Sakshi Chaudhary
Sakshi Chaudhary

Updated on - May 30, 2024

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B.Tech subjects focus on understanding engineering concepts related to Programming, Engineering Physics, Mathematics, Engineering Drawing, Electronics,  Chemistry, and more. The B.Tech foundational subjects such as basic engineering and science topics provide students a solid base for understanding complex engineering concepts. The advanced B.Tech subjects engage with core and elective courses specific to their selected specialization.

The common BTech core subjects include Engineering Mechanics, Material Science, Thermodynamics, English, Engineering Graphics, and more. BTech elective subjects also vary as per the specialization selected by the students. Finite Element Analysis, Robotics, and Automation, Pavement Design, Cloud Computing, Data Mining, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, etc., are a few of the elective subjects in BTech course.

Table of Content

B.Tech Subjects

B.Tech subjects provide fundamental engineering concepts like mathematics, physical phenomena, engineering drawing, coding basics, etc., combined with specialized fields of study. BTech course aims to make graduates apply engineering concepts to develop technically sound solutions in any specialized domain and enhance productivity. Below listed are a few core and elective subjects covered in BTech syllabus:

B.Tech Core Subjects

Listed below are some of the core B.Tech subjects that the students study in first year as common subjects along with topics covered in each subject:

BTech Core Subjects Topics Covered
Mathematics Calculus, Differential equations, Linear algebra, Discrete mathematics, Numerical methods, Complex analysis, Vector calculus, Partial differential equations, etc.
Engineering Physics Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Optics, Waves and vibrations, Electromagnetism, Solid-state physics, Nuclear physics, etc.
Basic Electrical Engineering Electric circuits, AC and DC circuit analysis, Inductance and capacitance, Electrical machines, Power systems, Magnetic circuits, Measurement and instrumentation, etc.
Computer Programming Programming fundamentals, Functions and procedures, Data types and structures, Algorithms and problem-solving, Debugging techniques, Software development life cycle, etc.
Engineering Mechanics Statics, Dynamics, Equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, Centroids and centers of gravity, Moments of inertia, Analysis of structures, Fluid statics, Mechanical vibrations, etc.
English Grammar and syntax, Writing skills, Communication skills, Reading comprehension, Technical writing, Oral presentation, Business communication, etc.
Basic Electronics Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Circuit analysis techniques, Diodes and transistors, Amplifiers, Operational amplifiers, Semiconductor devices, Analog electronics, etc.
BTech Admission Process BTech Fees in India

B.Tech Elective Subjects

An elective course is a subject from the block of electives that must be taken within the volume established in the curriculum. The elective subjects in BTech are listed below as per the specialization:

Specialization BTech Elective Subjects Topics Covered

Civil Engineering

  • Remote Sensing
  • Construction Management
  • Hydrology
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Earthquake Resistance

Satellite Imagery, Project Planning, Cost Estimation, Groundwater Flow, Fluid Flow, Turbulence, Seismic Design, Structural Dynamics, and more.

Mechanical Engineering
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Production Management

Mesh Generation, Robot Kinematics, Vehicle Dynamics, Lean Manufacturing, Structural Analysis, and more.

Electrical Engineering
  • Semiconductor Devices
  • Fibre Optic Sensors
  • Computer Vision
  • Smart Grid Technology
  • Embedded Systems

Optical Fibers, Sensor Types, Image Processing, Object Detection, Grid Modernization, Renewable Integration, Microcontrollers, Embedded Programming, and more.

Information Technology
  • Mobile Computing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Computer Graphics
  • Multimedia Signal Computing
  • Soft Computing

Wireless Communication, Mobile OS, Virtualization, Cloud Services, Rendering Techniques, 3D Modeling, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and more.

Computer Science Engineering
  • Scripting Languages
  • XML and Web Services
  • Network Security and Cryptography
  • Artificial Intelligence

Python, Perl, XML Parsing, Encryption Algorithms, Network Protocols, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and more.

B.E vs B.Tech B.Sc Vs B.Tech

B.Tech Laboratory Subjects

Along with the core and elective subjects, there are also many laboratory subjects that the students can choose from as per their specialization. The laboratory subjects in BTech are listed below.

BTech Laboratory Subjects Specialization Topics Covered
Hydraulics Civil Engineering Fluid properties, Flow measurement, Hydraulic pumps, Open channel flow, Water hammer, Pipe network analysis, etc.
Thermodynamics Mechanical Engineering Heat transfer, Thermodynamic cycles, Combustion analysis, Steam tables, Gas laws, Refrigeration systems, etc.
Engineering Mechanics Civil/Mechanical Engineering Statics, Dynamics, Equilibrium of rigid bodies, Trusses, Centroids, Moments of inertia, etc.
Programming Computer Science/IT Data structures, Algorithms, Programming languages (e.g., Python, Java), Code debugging, Software development, etc.
Basic Electronics Electrical Engineering Ohm's Law, Diode circuits, Transistors, Amplifiers, Oscillators, Logic gates, Electronic components, etc.
Power Electronics Electrical Engineering Power semiconductor devices, AC-DC converters, DC-DC converters, Inverters, Power factor correction, etc.
Microcontrollers Electronics Microcontroller architecture, Programming (Assembly/C), Interfacing, Embedded system design, Sensors and actuators, etc.
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Semester Wise B.Tech Syllabus and Subjects

B.Tech's first year syllabus aims to provide the students with all the vital knowledge and core subjects. B.Tech syllabus remains common for semester 1 and semester 2 across all specializations. From semester 3 till semester 8, the syllabus and subjects vary based on their specialization and field of study. 

B.Tech First Year Syllabus

The B.Tech first year syllabus includes topics such as Engineering Physics, Mathematics, Engineering Mechanics, etc. The list of common B.Tech subjects is detailed in the table below.

Semester I Semester II
Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry
Mathematics - I Mathematics - II
Engineering Physics Lab Engineering Mechanics
EG Lab Basic Electrical Engineering / Basic Electronics Engineering
Engineering Graphics Computer Programming
Basic Electronics Programming Lab
Environmental Studies Engineering Mechanics Lab
English -

Specialisation Wise BTech Syllabus and Subjects

BTech offers several specializations and the core subjects differ for each stream. Candidates get to pursue these subjects from semester 3 to semester 8. Detailed below are some of the popular specializations and their corresponding course structure.

BTech Specialization List Subjects Covered
Mechanical Engineering


Fluid Engineering

Machine Design

Materials Science

Automobile Design

Special Machines

Civil Engineering

Fluid Mechanics

Strength of Materials

Geotechnical Engineering

Concrete Technology

Environmental Engineering

Computer-Aided Design

Hydraulics Machinery

Solid Mechanics

Irrigation and Hydraulics

Computer Science Engineering

Computer Programming

Data Structures & Algorithms

Object-Oriented Programming using C ++

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Database Management Systems

Computer Networks and Circuit Theory

Microprocessor & Computer Architecture

Operating Systems

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Analog Electronics

Circuits and Systems

Power Systems


Power Electronics

Transmission and Distribution

Data Structures and Algorithms

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Analog Circuits

Digital Signal Processing

Communication Protocols

Linear Integrated Circuits

Power Electronics

Digital Electronics


Information Technology

Introduction to Information Technology

Computer Programming

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

Web Development

Computer Networks

Information Systems

Machine Learning (ML)

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Other BTech Specialisation Syllabus and Subjects:

BTech Chemical Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Medical Electronics Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Industrial Engineering and Management Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Biotechnology Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Food Technology Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Aerospace Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Marine Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Biomedical Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Petroleum Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Engineering Physics Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Robotics Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Architecture Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Mining Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Food Science and Technology Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Textile Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

BTech Plastic Engineering Subjects and Syllabus

Read more: BTech Specialization List

IIT B.Tech Syllabus

The IITs offer a comprehensive B.Tech curriculum designed to provide a strong foundation in engineering principles emphasizing on innovation and research. The syllabus spans eight semesters over four years and focuses on topics such as Engineering Physics, Engineering Mechanics, Programming, and more. 

The B.Tech syllabus also focuses on laboratory work, projects, internships, and industry interaction to enable students to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical applications. The B.Tech syllabus offered by the top IITs is detailed in the sections below.

IIT Madras BTech Syllabus

BTech courses are offered under various specializations in IIT Madras and the syllabus and subjects vary as per the specializations. Listed below is the BTech syllabus for the two specializations offered at IIT Madras:

IIT Madras BTech CSE Syllabus            

IIT Madras BTech Computer Science Engineering syllabus focuses on subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Mechanics, etc along with practical subjects and workshops. Given below is the semester-wise breakdown of the IIT Madras BTech CSE Syllabus:



Functions of Several Variables

Series and Matrices 



Physics Lab-I

Discrete Mathematics for CS

Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Drawings

Problem-Solving using Computers

Basic Electrical Engineering


Chemistry Lab

Life Skills-I

Life Skills II

Ecology and Environment




Basic Graph Theory

Languages, Machines, and Computations

Programming and Data Structures

Designs and Analysis of Algorithms

Programming and Data Structures Lab

Computer Organization and Architecture

Foundations of Computer Systems Design

Computer Organization and Architecture Lab

Foundations of Computer Systems Design Lab

Object-Oriented Algorithms Implementation

and Analysis Lab


Probability, Stochastic Process and Statistics



Paradigms of Programming

Life Sciences 

Operating Systems


Compiler Design 




Humanities Elective 2 

Professional Ethics


Humanities Elective 3

IIT Delhi BTech CSE Syllabus

The IIT Delhi B.Tech CSE syllabus deals with important topics such as Data Structures, Programming Languages, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, and more. Listed below is the B.Tech CSE syllabus offered at IIT Delhi.



Introduction to Computer Science & Engineering

Data Structures

Introduction to Computer Programming 

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Graphic Science

Manufacturing Practices

Introduction to Analysis & Differential Equations

Introduction to Algebra and Matrix Analysis

Field of Waves

Physical Chemistry Concepts and Applications

Physics Laboratory

Chemistry Laboratory



Discrete Mathematical Structures

Programming Languages

Computer Architecture

Introduction to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 

Design Practices in Computer Science

Physics of Materials

Digital Electronic Circuits

Departmental Elective-I

Electronics Laboratory-I


Engineering Mechanics




Analysis and Design of Algorithms

Operating Systems

Signals and Systems

Departmental Elective-III

Mini Project

Departmental Elective-IV

Open Elective-I

Open Elective-III

Open Elective-II

Open Elective-IV




Major Project Part 2

Major Project Part 1

Departmental Elective-VI

Computer Networks

Open Elective-VII

Departmental Elective-V

Open Elective-VIII

Open Elective-V


Open Elective-VI


IIT Delhi BTech Syllabus

IIT Delhi offers various B.Tech specializations from which students can choose based on their area of interest. The BTech syllabus and subjects differ depending on the chosen field of specialization. The B.Tech syllabus of the top two specializations offered at IIT Delhi is provided below.

IIT Delhi BTech CSE Syllabus

The IIT Delhi B.Tech CSE syllabus deals with important topics such as Data Structures, Programming Languages, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, and more. Listed below is the B.Tech CSE syllabus offered at IIT Delhi.



Introduction to Computer Science & Engineering

Data Structures

Introduction to Computer Programming 

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Graphic Science

Manufacturing Practices

Introduction to Analysis & Differential Equations

Introduction to Algebra and Matrix Analysis

Field of Waves

Physical Chemistry Concepts and Applications

Physics Laboratory

Chemistry Laboratory



Discrete Mathematical Structures

Programming Languages

Computer Architecture

Introduction to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 

Design Practices in Computer Science

Physics of Materials

Digital Electronic Circuits

Departmental Elective-I

Electronics Laboratory-I


Engineering Mechanics




Analysis and Design of Algorithms

Operating Systems

Signals and Systems

Departmental Elective-III

Mini Project

Departmental Elective-IV

Open Elective-I

Open Elective-III

Open Elective-II

Open Elective-IV




Major Project Part 2

Major Project Part 1

Departmental Elective-VI

Computer Networks

Open Elective-VII

Departmental Elective-V

Open Elective-VIII

Open Elective-V


Open Elective-VI


IIT Delhi BTech Chemical Engineering Syllabus

The B.Tech Chemical Engineering syllabus in IIT Delhi focuses on topics such as Chemical Reaction Engineering, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and more. The semester wise B.Tech Chemical Engineering syllabus offered at IIT Delhi is provided in the table below.



Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Engineering Mechanics

Introduction to Engineering Visualization

Introduction to Computer Science

Electromagnetism & Quantum Mechanics

Introduction to Chemistry


Linear Algebra & Differential Equations

Product Realization through Manufacturing 

Chemistry Lab

Electrical Engineering Lab


Physics Lab




Transport Phenomena

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Material and Energy Balances

Chemical Reaction Engineering-I

Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers

Applied Chemistry

Heat Transfer for Chemical Engineers


Introductory Biology for Engineers


Introduction to Materials Science & Engineering



Mass Transfer-I

Mass Transfer-II

Chemical Reaction Engineering-II

Departmental Elective-I

Fluid-Particle Mechanics

Introduction to Industrial Biotechnology

Introduction to Materials for Chemical Engineering

Chemical Process Technology and Economics

Process Dynamics and Control

Instrumentation and Automation

Environmental Science

Chemical Engineering Laboratory-II

Chemical Engineering Laboratory-I




Departmental Elective-II

Departmental Elective-III

Departmental Elective-II

Departmental Elective-IV

Chemical Engineering Laboratory-III


B.Tech Project


NIT B.Tech Syllabus

The NIT provides an extensive B.Tech program that blends fundamental and advanced engineering principles with practical experience. The NIT B.Tech syllabus is structured over eight semesters spanning four years. The first-year B.Tech syllabus focuses on basic science and engineering principles. 

As the program progresses the B.Tech syllabus deals with advanced concepts and students can select areas of specialization based on their interests. The B.Tech syllabus offered by NITs is detailed in the sections below.

NIT Trichy BTech Syllabus

BTech syllabus at NIT varies from one specialization to another and the semester pattern is divided into 8 semesters for the duration of 4 years. Given below is the BTech syllabus for the top specialization offered at NITs:

NIT Trichy BTech CSE Syllabus

BTech CSE syllabus in NIT Tiruchirappalli focuses on equipping the students with knowledge and skills related to various topics such as Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Programming Languages, Data Structures, etc. Given below is the semester-wise BTech CSE syllabus at NIT Trichy:



Linear Algebra and Calculus

Complex Analysis and Differential Equations 



Introduction to Computer Programming

English for Communication

Basics of Mechanical Engineering 

Discrete Structures

Basics of Civil Engineering 

Essentials of Computer Science

Engineering Practice 

Engineering Graphics

Energy and Environmental Engineering

Chemistry Lab

Physics Lab 

English for Communication Lab

Computer Programming Lab




Probability and Operations Research

Industrial Economics and Foreign Trades

Principles of Programming Languages

Formal Languages and Automata Theory

Data Structures 

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Digital Systems Design

Operating Systems 

Computer Organization

Elective II

Elective I

Elective III

Data Structures Laboratory

Algorithms Laboratory

Digital Laboratory

Operating Systems Lab



Computer Architecture

Industrial Lecture

Database Management Systems

Embedded Systems Architectures

Computer Networks 

Compiler Design

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Principles of Cryptography

Elective IV

Elective VI

Elective V

Elective VII

Database Management Systems Lab

Embedded Systems Lab

Networks Lab

App Development Lab



Summer Internship

Viva Voce

Elective VIII

Project Work

Elective IX

Elective XII

Elective X

Elective XIII

Elective XI

Elective XIV

NIT Trichy BTech Civil Engineering Syllabus

The BTech Civil Engineering syllabus from NIT Surathkal focuses on subjects such as Concrete Technology, Structural Elements, Hydraulics, Surveying, and more with practical sessions and workshops. Given below are the BTech Civil Engineering Syllabus:









Basics of Programming 

Energy and Environmental Engineering

Introduction to Civil Engineering 

Engineering Mechanics 

Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 

Engineering Practice

Basics of Mechanical Engineering

Professional Communication 

Engineering Graphics 


English for Communication




Probability, Statistics, and Linear Programming

Numerical Techniques 

Strength of Materials

Mechanics of Solids 

Hydraulics and Fluid Machinery

Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Environmental Engineering -I

Environmental Engineering-II 


Geotechnical Engineering-I 

Concrete Technology

Elective I

Strength of Materials and Concrete Laboratory

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 

Survey Laboratory

Building Planning and Drawing



Highway and Pavement Engineering 

Basic Steel Structural Elements

Analysis of Indeterminate Structures

Advanced Structural Analysis

Basic Reinforced Concrete Design

Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Geotechnical Engineering-II

Railway, Airport and Harbour Engineering

Elective II

Elective IV

Elective III

Elective V

Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Lecture

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

Computational Laboratory



Advanced Steel Structural Elements

Industrial Economics and Foreign Trade 

Irrigation and Hydraulic Engineering

Elective VIII

Elective VI

Elective IX

Elective VII

Elective X

Comprehensive Viva Voce

Project Work

Internship / Industrial training


NIT Surathkal BTech Syllabus

The B.Tech syllabus offered at NIT Suthrakal is structured into eight semesters and covers important topics such as Engineering Mechanics, Programming, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, etc. The syllabus structure varies based on the specialization chosen by the students. The B.Tech syllabus for the popular specializations offered at NIT Suthrakal is detailed in the sections below.

NIT Surathkal BTech EE Syllabus

The B.Tech EE syllabus offered at NIT Surathkal deals with topics such as Electric Circuits, Linear Control Systems, Power Transmission and Distribution, etc. The semester wise B.Tech EE syllabus is provided in the table below.



Engineering Mathematics-I

Engineering Mathematics-II



Python Programming

Elements of Mechanical Engineering 

Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Graphics 

Analysis of Electric Circuits

Mathematics for Electrical Engineers 

Environmental Studies

Professional Communication 

Introduction to Design Thinking

Professional Ethics and Human Values 

Chemistry Lab

Physics Lab

Python Programming Lab




Electromagnetic Theory 

Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instrument

Induction Motors and Transformers 

Synchronous Machines and DC Machines

Linear Control Systems

Power Transmission and Distribution 

Signals and Systems 

Digital Electronic Circuits 



Engineering Economics

Principles of Management

Linear Control Systems

Power Electronics 

Power System Analysis












Practical Training

Major Project-II

Major Project-I


NIT Trichy BTech IT Syllabus

The B.Tech IT syllabus offered at NIT Surathkal covers topics such as C Programming, Digital System Design, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, and more. The semester-wise B.Tech IT syllabus is given in the table below.



Engineering Mathematics-I

Engineering Mathematics-II



C Programming

Elements of Mechanical Engineering

Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Graphics 

Digital System Design

Professional Communication

Environmental Studies

Object Oriented Programming 

Introduction to Design Thinking

Physics Lab

Chemistry Lab

Professional Ethics and Human Values

C Programming Lab




Computer Communication and Networking

Automata and Compiler Design

Computer Organization and Architecture

Data Structures and Algorithms-II

Data Structures and Algorithms-I

Database Systems

Discrete Mathematics

Operating Systems

Signals and Systems

Web Technologies and Applications

Computer Networking Lab


Data Structures and Algorithms-I Lab




Engineering Economics 

Principles of Management 

Design and Analysis of Algorithms 

Data Analytics

Parallel Computing

Human Computer Interaction

Probability and Statistics 

Information Assurance and Security

Software Engineering











Major Project-II

Major Project-I


Practical Training


BTech Course Structure

In general, a B.Tech course structure consists of basic engineering, core, and elective subjects. Most engineering colleges across the country follow the CBCS structure as per UGC recommendations. They must submit a research-based final dissertation and a working model at the end of their degree. The course structure is:

  • VII Semesters
  • Core and Elective Subjects
  • Dissertation Submission
  • Project and Viva Voce
  • Mandatory Internship
  • Lab Subjects

BTech Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The teaching methods comprise multi-sensory instruction, brainstorming sessions, mandatory internships, group discussions, and case study that helps students gain more knowledge on practical learning. In short, the teaching methodology and techniques are:

  • Research Sessions
  • Group Projects
  • Case Methodology 
  • Workshop
  • Final Dissertation Submission
  • Mandatory Internship
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BTech Reference Books

The B.Tech books are essential resources that help students understand the topics and concepts covered in the syllabus. While the books for specialized courses may vary based on the students' chosen specialization, the first year subjects are consistent across most institutions.

The B.Tech first year books and the topics covered under them are listed in the table below.

BTech Books Topics Covered Authors
Engineering Physics Waves, Optics, Fibers, Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics Poonam Tandon
Engineering Graphics Scales, Projections, Projections of Points and Lines, Development of Surface N.D. Bhatt
Engineering Mechanics Force Systems, Equilibrium, Mechanics of Materials, Kinematics, Dynamics Stephen Timoshenko
Programming and Problem Solving Control Structures, Arrays and Strings, Pointers, File Processing Kavita Sultanpure, Shantanu Pathak, and M.A.Ansari
Basic Electrical Engineering Network Analysis Techniques & Theorems, Alternating Current Circuits, Transformers J.S. Katre

BTech Fee Structure

FAQs on BTech Syllabus and Subjects

Q: Which subject is hard in BTech?

A: Electrical Engineering is considered to be one of the challenging subjects in engineering. It involves a lot of abstract thinking.

Q: Is BTech 1st year hard?

A: No, the syllabus for BTech 1st year is much easy and students can score well during the first 2 semesters. The subjects are common for all specialisations in BTech first year.

Q: How many semesters are there in BTech?

A: BTech course comprises of 8 semesters and the course is for a duration of 4 years.

Q: What are the subject of BTech 1st year?

A: Some of the important subjects of BTech 1st year include Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Mathematics, etc.

Q: What is the syllabus of BTech CSE?

A: Introduction to Programming, Foundation of Computer Science, Data Structure and Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, etc are some of the important subjects in BTech CSE.

Q: What are the core subjects included in BTech syllabus?

A: B.Tech syllabus includes core subjects like Mathematics, English, Engineering Physics, Computer Programming, Basics of Electronics, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Mechanics, etc.

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