Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore: Courses, Fees, Facilities

  • Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu

Hindusthan Educational Institutions is a group of institutions which is devoted to providing quality higher education in the field of Engineering, Technology, Professional, Managerial as well as general. The trust offers free education to the underprivileged and deserving students. Hindusthan's exclusive skill development Institute aids to broaden the students' technical exposure and experience while learning. 

Hindusthan is associated with numerous universities and organizations abroad for Global Internship Programs, International Placements, and Internships. The Institution is placed in the 75th position in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF - 2017), released by the MHRD, New Delhi. Hindusthan Educational Institutions offers programs at undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma levels.

Table of Contents

Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore Highlights

Some highlights about the institute such as infrastructure facilities, courses, etc are mentioned below.

Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore Highlights 
Type of Institue Private
Infrastructure Facilities
LaboratoriesLibrary, Classrooms, Cafeteria, etc.
No. of. Students 5000+
Awards 1000+ 
No. of. Faculties 4000+ 
Certifications ISO-9001
B.Com, B.Tech, MCA, Diploma, etc

Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore Courses

Hindusthan Educational Institutions Coimbatore provides various programs in many disciplines and below are the UG and PG courses offered by the institute. 

Hindusthan College Of Nursing

Course Specialization
B.Sc Nursing

Hindusthan College Of Health Science

Course Specialization
B.Sc Cardiac Technology, Cardio Pulmonary Perfusion Care Technology, Operation Theatre & Anaesthesia, Optometry, Radiology & Imaging Technology, Respiratory Therapy

Hindusthan Polytechnic College

Course Specialization
DAE  Automobile Engineering
DCE Civil Engineering
DCT Computer Engineering
DECE Electronics & Communication Engineering
DEEE Electrical & Electronics Engineering
DME Mechanical Engineering

Hindusthan School Of Architecture

Course Specialization

Hindusthan Institute Of Technology

Course Specialization
B.E Aeronautical Engineering, Computer Science And Engineering, Electronics And Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering
B.Tech Artificial Intelligence And Data Science, Information Technology

Hindusthan College Of Engineering And Technology

Course Specialization
B.E  Aeronautical Engineering, Agriculture Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science And Engineering, Electronics And Communication Engineering, Electrical And Electronics Engineering, Electronics And Instrumentation, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering
B.Tech Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning, Chemical Engineering, Food Technology, Information Technology

Hindusthan College Of Arts & Science

Course Specialization
MA English
M.Com Computer Applications, International Business
M.Sc Biotechnology, Microbiology, Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics & Communication Systems, Physics, Costume Design & Fashion, Mathematics, Visual Communication
Diploma Clinical Lab Techniques, Microbial Biotechnology, Digital Finance
Certificate Course Animations, Bakery & Confectionery
Consortium Application (MBA / MCA) -
B.Com Accounting & Finance, Banking & Insurance, Computer Applications, Corporate Secretaryship, Cost & Management Accounting, Information Technology, International Business, Professional Accounting
BBA Logistics, Computer Applications
B.Sc Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Augmented Reality (Ar) / Virtual Reality (Vr), Computer Science, Computer Science With Cognitive Systems, Computer Technology, Data Science & Analytics, Information Technology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Food Processing Technology & Management, Catering Science & Hotel Management, Costume Design & Fashion, Electronics & Communication Systems, Forensic Science, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Animation & Visual Effects, Visual Communication
B.Voc -
BA English

Why Choose Hindusthan Educational Institutions?

  • Hindusthan college has a vast campus area of 200 acres.
  • State-of-the-art laboratories are attached to all departments.
  • Hindusthan Institutions have a well-stocked library with over 73,070 Volumes, 16,338 Titles, and 197 National & 1775 International journals.
  • Internet facilities of 250 Mbps leased line are available in the campus with lines to Hostel and Library, optical fiber connectivity and Wi-Fi Technology.
  • Sophisticatedly designed computer labs with 1800 computers on LAN and WAN are provided.
  • Hindusthan sports facilities include a standard 400-meter track ground for athletics, various outdoor and indoor games, and Multi GYM Facility. Post Office, City union bank, Canara Bank with ATM Centre are also in the functioning in the campus.

Hindusthan Educational Institutions Awards and Achievements

The awards received by the Hindusthan Educational Institutions are mentioned below.

  • Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology is an ISO-9001 Certified institution.
  • Ranked 25th in the survey of Top 100 Private Engineering Colleges in India, for the Academic year 2014 – 2015
  • Best Institution in Tamil Nadu award received from HR Club for Centre of Excellence India.
  • Hindusthan received the largest student branch award and longest continuous student branch councilor award for the year 2014 – 15 from the Computer Society of India
  • TNSCST Projects Grant was sanctioned for Mechanical Engineering Students.
  • AICTE has sanctioned the grant in aid of Rs 6,00,000/- for the establishment of “Entrepreneurship Development Centre”
  • AICTE has granted Rs.3 Lakhs as a Seminar grant for Mechanical Department.
  • The college has received the “Certificate of appreciation” for blood donation from the Tamilnadu state blood transfusion council.
  • The SAE BAJA Team ‘Hindusthani Lahurians’ got first place in innovation for the BAJA 2015 edition out of 350 teams participate all over India.
  • All India Inter-university weight lifting championship for both men & women was organized at the campus.
  • Mech, CSE, ECE, and EEE departments are recognized as research centers by Anna University Chennai.
  • During the last 10 years, nearly about 6000 students have graduated in various disciplines of engineering from the college.
  • 85 % of eligible students placed through campus placements in the last 3 years.
  • Hindusthan has so far signed MOUs with 18 leading industries and other organizations.

Hindusthan Educational Institutions Departments

Mentioned below are the departments of the Hindusthan Educational Institutions. Each department is built for a particular stream or two and offers courses and programs under that field. 

Hindusthan Institute of Technology Departments

  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Automobile Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence And Data Science
  • Computer Science And Engineering
  • Electronics And Communication Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Master Of Business Administration
  • Science And Humanities

Hindusthan College of Education Departments

  • Tamil
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Physical Science
  • Biological Science
  • History
  • Geography

Hindusthan Polytechnic College Departments

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Automobile Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Computer Engineering

Hindusthan Educational Institutions Colleges

The colleges that come under Hindusthan Educational Institutions are given below.

  • Hindusthan College of Arts & Science
  • Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology
  • Hindusthan Institute of Technology
  • Hindusthan College of Education
  • Hindusthan School of Architecture
  • Hindusthan Polytechnic College
  • Hindusthan Matriculation and Higher Secondary School
  • Hindusthan Kangaroo Kids Preschool
  • Hindusthan IAS Academy
  • Hindusthan Youth Empowerment Series
  • Hindusthan Teachers Training Institute

Hindusthan Educational Institutions Collaborations

Hindusthan Educational Institutions has collaborations and networking with institutions for educational purposes. It has also collaborated with various International Universities. 

  • University of Westminster, United Kingdom
  • University of Wyoming, USA
  • Munster University of Applied Science, Germany
  • Rutgers University, New Jersey
  • Ibrahim Cecen University AGRI, Turkey
  • Northwest A & F University, China

Hindusthan Educational Institutions Placement

The Placement Advisory Team, popularly known as Corporate Relations on the HICET campus, aims at providing the best opportunities to every student. This team is committed to the task of securing Final Placements and Summer Internships for every student on campus. Aptitude Tests, Snap Test, GD’s, and Mock Interviews are conducted on a regular basis by both the In-house teams and through reputed HR’s so that students have a real-life experience of what to expect in a recruitment process. Infosys’s “Campus Connect ”, Nasscom SSC’s FSIT programs help to crafts student careers towards necessary employability. Major Companies like CTS, Infosys, TCS, WIPRO, Tech Mahindra, L&T Infotech, HP, DELL, Payoda, Infoview, MuSigma, FORD, etc are tied up with the Institutions for the necessary hiring process.

Top Recruiters

  • ACCEL Frontline Limited
  • AlstomProjects India Limited
  • Aquasub Engineering
  • Axles India Limited
  • Brakes India Limited
  • Carborundum Universal Ltd
  • Consolidated Constructions
  • Chennai Container TerminalLucas TVS Limited
  • MIDAS Communications Technologies
  • Peerless Biotech Pvt. LimitedPremier Evolvics Limited
  • Pricol Limited
  • Quest
  • Schlumberger Asia Service
  • Spicer India Limited

Hindusthan Educational Institutions scholarships

Scholarships will be provided for the meritorious & special category candidates who seek admission for the academic year 2021-22. Hindusthan Educational & Charitable Trust (HECT) believes in making education affordable to underprivileged students. So the students from the weaker sections of society are given educational scholarships, fee concessions, free seats are given to students from backward areas with excellent academic records. Students may apply for the below-mentioned scholarships & Schemes which are provided by Hindusthan Educational Institutions.

SI.NO Category Scholarships Applicable For
Academic Meritious (AM)    
1 State/District toppers of Tamilnadu 100% All Semesters
2 Cut Off- 400/400 100%
3 Cut Off- 375 & above 50%
4 Cut Off- 360 & above 30%
5 Hindusthan School students 10% additional concession for category 3 &4 
Sports Meritious (SM)    
6 Sports- International Level achievement in sports (SPT-INAT) 100% 1st Semester Only. The same shall be continued based on the achievements during their study
7 Sports- National Level achievement in sports(SPT-NAT) 75%
8 Sports- State Level achievement in sports (SPT-STAT) 50%
9 Sports- District Level achievement in sports (SPT-DIS) 25%
10 Sports- Participation (SPT-PAT) 10%
Indian Armed Force (IAF)    
1 Defense- Army (DFS-AMY) 15%   All Semesters
2 Defense- Navy (DFS-NVY)
3 Defense- Air Force (DFS-AF)
Police Quota (PQ)    
1 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) 15% All Semesters
2 Police Personnel 10%
Community Quota (CQ)    
1 Adi Dravidar Scholarship- SC & ST (Income 2.5 Lakhs & below) INR 5000-6000 Approx (Scholarship Amount) Per Annum
2 MBA- MBC & BC (Income 2 Lakhs & below) INR 12000 Approx (Scholarship Amount) + 41000- Course Fee
3 MCA- MBC & BC (Income 2 Lakhs & below) INR 5000-6000 Approx (Scholarship Amount)  + 4250- Course Fee
Economically Weaker Section (EWS)    
1 Orphan Child/ Foster Child (OC/FC)- EWS 100% All Semesters
2 Single Parent and Girl Child (Income 2 lakhs & below) (SP & GC)- EWS 30%
3 Single Parent (Income 2 lakhs & below)(SP)- EWS 20%
Other Scholarship    
1 Physically Challenged (PC) 25% All Semesters
2 Girl Child (GC) 10%
3 Siblings Quota (SQ) 10%

Hindusthan Educational Institutions Infrastructure Facilities

Hindusthan Educational Institutions is a sprawling campus of 8.5 acres with a builtin area of 34743 sq. meters consisting of four blocks. There are 124 spacious well-ventilated classrooms to accommodate the students. Each floor is provided with cool and purified drinking water. The college has also provided the students with an elevator facility for the physically challenged students. Some of the main infrastructure facilities at Hindusthan Educational Institutions are mentioned below.

Sports Facilities

  • The Physical Education Department is equipped with a state-of-the-art gym, a basketball court with floodlights, tennis and shuttle court both indoors and outdoors.
  • There is a large ground for students to play Football, Cricket, Volleyball, and Ball Badminton.


  • The systems have the latest software available in the market.
  • The students of Microbiology and Biotechnology benefit from the state-of-the-art laboratories and the highly qualified faculty members.
  • The labs are equipped to carry out research programs also.
  • The Department of Visual Communication deserves special mention for its excellent infrastructural facilities.
  • The Photography lab requires a special mention for being equipped with the latest digital cameras, video cameras, handy cameras, with which the students receive hands-on training.
  • The students of Costume Design and Fashion Technology are fortunate to have hi-tech labs for their practicals like computerized sewing machines and equipment for teaching dyeing, block printings to the students.
  • The college also provides the students of Catering Technology and Hotel Management with the best training kitchen, a restaurant, a front office, to enable the students to have personalized training.
  • The Department of Electronics is equipped with the latest gadgets, devices, embedded system VLSI design, and processors.

Language Lab

  • A well-equipped language lab is set up to enhance an individual’s English language competence.
  • It facilitates the development of the communication skills of the students.
  • Many tasks based on the International English Language Testing System are also available.

Internet Facilities

  • The college provides the students with an Internet facility free of cost.
  • The computer labs are equipped with 8 Mbps and an average of 100 students can access the Internet at a time.
  • The students are allowed to use it even after their college hours.


  • The City Union Bank & Canara bank has installed Automated Teller Machines (ATM) at the Campus.
  • This ATM caters to the financial requirements of the students and the staff.


  • There is a canteen situated inside the campus which provides vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. 
  • They also provide snacks, hot and cold drinks.
  • There are separate rooms for staff and students.
  • There are also five cafeterias that provide snacks and drinks.


  • The college library is fully automated with a wide collection of the latest books, periodicals, and CD/DVD which is expanded and updated every year.
  • The library functions in a networked environment
  • Electronic resources are available to all members via the internet.
  • The books in the library are bar-coded for automated circulation.
  • A Separate section is allotted for candidates who are appearing for the civil services examination.

Hindusthan Educational Institutions Hostel Details

  • The Hostels are situated within the campus of Hindusthan Colleges.
  • There are separate hostel facilities for boys and girls.
  • Nearly 1500 students are accommodated in both the hostels.
  • They are provided with Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian food.
  • There is a central canteen and six cafeterias inside the college premises.

Hindusthan Educational Institutions Admission

  • Hindusthan Educational Institutions admission is offered to various branches.
  • The application form is available online on the college website.

Eligibility Criteria at Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore

Hindusthan Educational Institutions has its own set of eligibility criteria for the courses that it offers. The eligibility criteria for the courses are mentioned below.

Hindusthan Educational Institutions B.Com (Banking & Insurance) Eligibility

B.Com (Banking & Insurance) is a 3-year undergraduate program offered by Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore. B.Com also has specializations in Accounting & Finance, Computer Applications, Corporate Secretaryship, Cost & Management Accounting, Information Technology, International Business, and Professional Accounting.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must have a Higher Secondary Certificate in any stream from arts and science.

Hindusthan Educational Institutions B.Sc Computer Science Eligibility

B.Sc Computer Science is a 3-year undergraduate program offered by Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore. B.Sc also has other specializations Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Augmented Reality (Ar) / Virtual Reality (Vr), Computer Science With Cognitive Systems, Computer Technology, Data Science & Analytics, Information Technology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Food Processing Technology & Management, Catering Science & Hotel Management, Costume Design & Fashion, Electronics & Communication Systems, Forensic Science, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Animation & Visual Effects, and Visual Communication.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must have passed 10+2 from a recognized School Board of Education.

Hindusthan Educational Institutions B.Arch Eligibility

B.Arch is a full-time program offered by Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore. The duration of the course is 5 years.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidate with less than 50% marks in aggregate, shall not be admitted to the architecture course unless he/ she has passed an examination at the end of the new 10+2 School Certificate Examination or equivalent with Mathematics and English as subjects of examination at the 10+2 level and minimum 40% marks in Aptitude Test (NATA) or 10+3 Diploma (any stream) recognized by Central/ State Governments with 50% aggregate marks and minimum 40% marks in Aptitude Test (NATA).

Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore Highlights

Affiliate University Bharathiar University
Institution Type Private
Website https://www.hindusthan.net/
Accredited by NAAC-A, NBA

Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore Courses & Fees 2025

Course Average Fees Duration Action
BTech ₹4,33,333 4 Years
Bachelor of Engineering ₹3,42,500 4 Years
MBA -- 2 Years
MCA -- 3 Years
BA ₹1,50,000 3 Years
BBA ₹1,50,000 3 Years
BCA ₹1,50,000 3 Years
MSc ₹84,444 2 Years
BCom ₹1,61,250 3 Years
MA ₹60,000 2 Years

Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore Courses and Fee Structure

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  • +8 More

Courses offered by Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore

BA [Bachelor of Arts]

Offline On Campus

₹ 1,50,000 (3 Years)

MA [Master of Arts]

Offline On Campus

₹ 60,000 (2 Years)

₹ 1,50,000 (3 Years)

₹ 1,50,000 (3 Years)

₹ 1,00,000 (2 Years)

₹ 80,000 (2 Years)

₹ 7,50,000 (5 Years)

₹ 2,10,000 (3 Years)

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