National Research Centre on Equines, Hisar Infrastructure: Library, Auditorium, Cafeteria & Other Facilities

  • Hisar , Haryana
  • Library
  • Auditorium
  • Canteen
  • Cafeteria
  • Medical Hospital

Facilities :-


Laboratory-cum-Administrative Building and residential accommodation for the staff have been created in 1992. Well equipped laboratories are available for research and development on equine health and production at the Centre, which include facilities for: .

1. Equine Viral Disease Research
2. Equine Bacterial Disease Research
3. Equine Immunology Research
4. Equine Pathology Research
5. Equine Parasitic Disease Research
6. Equine Medicine Research
7. Equine Biochemistry & Biotechnology Research
8. Equine Physiology Research
9. Equine Reproduction
10. Equine Genetics and Breeding Research
11. Besides a separate facility for Cell Culture and Hybridoma work is present at the Centre.

Latest state-of-art equipments are available in various laboratories for research on different aspects of equine health and production. In order to strengthen the infrastructural facilities, a new laboratory complex at EPC, Bikaner and extension of existing laboratory cum administrative building at Main Campus, Hisar has been constructed.

Development of High security containment (BSL-3) laboratory

National Research Centre on Equines, Hisar is establishing a high security laboratory facility for working on highly pathogenic animal microorganisms. BSL-3 laboratory is a mandatory requirement for handling of high-risk pathogens that are highly infectious and harmful for animal and human health. BSL-3 facility safeguards the environment and laboratory personnel while working on such infectious agents.
Recognizing the expertise and dedication of this centre in the area of animal health, Indian Council of Agricultural Research selected this centre for establishing BSL-3 facility and sanctioned a grant of Rupees three crore for this purpose. The highly specialized and sophisticated facility at Hisar is coming up with the help of Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation (an enterprise of Ministry of Health and family welfare, Govt. of India). This laboratory will be first of its kind in north Indian states like Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, UP, Himachal Pradesh etc.

Creation of National Centre for Veterinary Type Cultures

A new scheme, National Centre for Veterinary Type Cultures (NCVTC), was approved as a national facility to be established at Hisar under NRCE by the 11th Standing Finance Committee meeting of X Plan of DARE/ICAR held on 24th February 2004 at New Delhi with the initial outlay of Rs.780 lakhs in the X plan. The objectives of the NCVTC are:
1. National repository of microorganisms of animal origin including recombinant cultures and plasmids.
2. Identification, characterization and documentation of microorganisms.
3. Conservation, maintenance and utilization of microorganisms.
4. Surveillance of indigenous/exotic microorganisms.
5. Human resource development.
The construction of new building for NCVTC at Hisar has been initiated, however, the work in the new scheme has been initiated within the existing facilities and framework of NRCE.

The infrastructural facilities of the Centre were strengthened during last five year plan, both at Hisar and Bikaner campuses by constructing an Infectious Diseases cum Small Animal House complex including postmortem cum incinerator facilities, equine sick line and ARIS Cell, plantation of trees and development of agro-forestry in the premises of the Centre etc.

Other infrastructural facilities which include Animal Sheds, Water Tank, Tube-wells, Implement Shed and internal roads have been constructed and made operational. Similarly, adequate facilities for functioning of laboratories, housing of equines and supply of electricity were commissioned. Other facilities generated include telephones, fax, computers, e-mail and internet. An EPABX system has
been in working for intercom facilities for interaction and communication between various section of the Centre to give a better and faster output. An 110 kVA generator is also available to cope up with the breakdown of electricity besides creation of central facilities for maintaining ambient temperature for deep freezes and central instrument facility at the Centre.


The Centre has small library units both at Hisar and Bikaner campuses with a collection of about 850 books in all. In addition, several scientific International and Indian Journals pertaining to equine researches are subscribed. Annual Reports alongwith Information Bulletins and Newsletters from sister institutes of ICAR and other organizations are collected and maintained. Several databases in electronic form are also procured for the use of scientists at the Centre.


The Centre has the support of Animal and Agriculture farms; one at Hisar (area 200 acres) on National Highway No. 10, 4 kilometers from city, another at Jorbeer (area 100 acres) 10 kilometers from Bikaner. The farms are adequately equipped for cultivation of feed and fodder for the equines and for providing grazing and shelter.

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