Government College, Hoshiarpur

  • Hoshiarpur , Punjab

Government College, Hoshiarpur Highlights

Affiliate University Panjab University
Institution Type Public
Total Area (In Acre) 18.53
Construction Area (Sq. M) 33382.2
Year of Establishment 1927

Government College, Hoshiarpur Student Diversity

Category OBC SC General
Male 131 489 297
Female 409 1494 1086
Total 540 1983 1383

Government College, Hoshiarpur PTR Table

Particulars Count
Student Enrolment(Male) 3445
Student Enrolment(Female) 2657
Student Enrolment Total 6102
Teaching Staff(Male) 29
Teaching Staff(Female) 44
Teaching Staff Total 73

Government College, Hoshiarpur Courses and Fee Structure

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Courses offered by Government College, Hoshiarpur

BSc [Bachelor of Science]

Offline On Campus

M.Sc [Master of Science]

Offline On Campus

BA [Bachelor of Arts]

Offline On Campus

Government College, Hoshiarpur Reviews

Pandit Nikhil Batch 2017 BSc [Bachelor of Science]
Reviewed on Feb 17, 2018

Entrance Exams & Admissions : This is the vest college in the hoshiarpur area.there is no entrance exam in this college

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