Delhi Paramedical and Management Institute Courses: Total Courses & Specialisations Offered

  • Bhagalpur , Bihar

Delhi Paramedical and Management Institute Fee Structure And List Of Courses Summary

Course Average Fees Duration
BMLT -- 3 Years

Delhi Paramedical & Management Institute, Bhagalpur. The institute offers 6 courses in the discipline of Paramedical Health Education, Hotel Management, and Tourism Industry. The fee structure for the courses is not mentioned.


Popular Delhi Paramedical & Management Institute Courses and Fee Details

DPMI is approved by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Govt. of India. The institute offers students diplomas and certified programs in Pharmaceutical Technology and Hotel Management. Popular courses offered by institutions are as follows.

  1. Diploma in Operation Theater Technology [DOTT]
  2. B.Voc in Medical Laboratory Technology
  3. Diploma in Hotel Management


Entrance Exam Accepted by Delhi Paramedical & Management Institute

The applicant seeking admission to the institute must meet the applied eligibility criteria set by the institute.


DPMI Fee Payment Guidelines

Applicants looking for admission can pay the course fees online or offline by cheque. For online payment methods are:

  • Debit/ Credit Card.
  • UPI
  • Bank Transfer

Delhi Paramedical and Management Institute Courses and Fee Structure

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