University of Hearst Rankings: World ranking & National rankings

60 9th St, Hearst, ON P0L 1N0
Estd 1972

Updated on - May 30th, 2022 | 08:33 AM By Venushree Agarwal

The University of Hearst is ranked first in the ranking of Canadian Universities, it is also ranked first in the country. It is ranked #2183 of 2,624 in North America, #98 of 101 in Canada, and #24 of 24 in Ontario.

The University of Hearst Ranking Highlights

The University of Hearst is ranked by various organizations and according to the results of the National Survey on Student Participation (ENPÉ), published in the “2014 University Rankings” edition of Maclean's magazine, reveal that the student body of the Université de Hearst ranks its institution first. Below are a few ranking highlights of the University of Hearst:

  • Ranked 95th in National ranking under University Rankings by 4icu
  • Ranked 7622nd in the World ranking under University Rankings by 4icu
  • Ranked 98th in Canada under Best Universities by EduRank
  • Ranked 24th in Ontario under Best Universities by EduRank

The University of Hearst World Rankings

The University of Hearst is ranked #10341 of 14,160 in the world, Maclean's national magazine survey results indicate that 82% of the students would choose post-secondary institutions again if they had to go back to school. This is the highest rate among the Canadian universities surveyed. A few of the world rankings of the University of Hearst are tabulated below:



4icu World Ranking




World Ranking 
