LBS College, Sironj

  • Vidisha , Madhya Pradesh

LBS College, Sironj Highlights

Affiliate University BU Bhopal
Institution Type Public
Faculty Student Ratio 1
Total Area (In Acre) 4.3
Construction Area (Sq. M) 1848.8
Year of Establishment 1969
Accredited by NAAC

LBS College, Sironj Student Diversity

Category Muslim Minority OBC Muslim Minority General ST OBC SC General
Male 31 45 4 373 182 276
Female 30 41 5 272 93 186
Total 61 86 9 645 275 462

LBS College, Sironj Courses and Fee Structure

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Courses offered by LBS College, Sironj

MA [Master of Arts]

Offline On Campus

BA [Bachelor of Arts]

Offline On Campus

BSc [Bachelor of Science]

Offline On Campus

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